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#76 2012-07-14 13:15:32

Registered: 2012-02-24
Posts: 30

Re: Dream, a new scratch mod

I don't have the scratch skin. can somebody give me a link to where i can download it?

when gf clicked
say [hello!]
say [goodbye!]
stop all

Last edited by ZacIsCool (2012-07-14 13:18:45)



#77 2012-07-14 13:33:50

New Scratcher
Registered: 2012-01-22
Posts: 100+

Re: Dream, a new scratch mod

ZacIsCool wrote:

I don't have the scratch skin. can somebody give me a link to where i can download it?

when gf clicked
say [hello!]
say [goodbye!]
stop all


    | t2 t4 |
    t4 _ 0.
    t2 _ ScratchFileChooserDialog chooseFolder: FileDirectory default pathName.
    'Exporting Skin...' displayProgressAt: Display center from: 0 to: ScratchSkin size during: [:t3 |
    ScratchSkin keys do: [:t1 | t4 _ t4 + 1.
    t3 value: t4.
    PNGReadWriter putForm: (ScratchSkin at: t1)
            onFileNamed: t2 pathName , FileDirectory slash , t1 asString , '.png']]

Add that to ScratchFrameMorph and type ScratchFrameMorph exportSkin to export the skin.



#78 2012-07-14 15:10:07

Registered: 2012-02-24
Posts: 30

Re: Dream, a new scratch mod

and how do you change the colors of the actual tabs for the categories? I know how to change the block color, just not the tab.



#79 2012-07-14 16:27:38

New Scratcher
Registered: 2012-01-22
Posts: 100+

Re: Dream, a new scratch mod

ZacIsCool wrote:

and how do you change the colors of the actual tabs for the categories? I know how to change the block color, just not the tab.

you need to manually do that with the skin.



#80 2012-07-14 16:31:33

New Scratcher
Registered: 2012-01-22
Posts: 100+

Re: Dream, a new scratch mod

I feel like releasing Dream soon. I'm going to release Dream in mid-August and I'm going to make it 'self updating'. So when I post an update for dream to a certain website, it reads from that every time it starts and automatically updates if necessary. That way you can enjoy dream and I can work on it at the same time.



#81 2012-07-15 16:40:25

Registered: 2012-02-24
Posts: 30

Re: Dream, a new scratch mod

dreamod wrote:

I feel like releasing Dream soon. I'm going to release Dream in mid-August and I'm going to make it 'self updating'. So when I post an update for dream to a certain website, it reads from that every time it starts and automatically updates if necessary. That way you can enjoy dream and I can work on it at the same time.

You can do that? Cool! P.S. How do you manually change the tab color in the skin?



#82 2012-07-15 16:55:36

Community Moderator
Registered: 2008-11-05
Posts: 1000+

Re: Dream, a new scratch mod

You'll do a great job, I'll bet!



#83 2012-07-15 17:55:54

Registered: 2011-05-30
Posts: 500+

Re: Dream, a new scratch mod

ZacIsCool wrote:

dreamod wrote:

I feel like releasing Dream soon. I'm going to release Dream in mid-August and I'm going to make it 'self updating'. So when I post an update for dream to a certain website, it reads from that every time it starts and automatically updates if necessary. That way you can enjoy dream and I can work on it at the same time.

You can do that? Cool! P.S. How do you manually change the tab color in the skin?

You edit the color in a software like gimp.



#84 2012-07-15 17:59:12

Registered: 2012-02-24
Posts: 30

Re: Dream, a new scratch mod

chanmanpartyman wrote:

ZacIsCool wrote:

dreamod wrote:

I feel like releasing Dream soon. I'm going to release Dream in mid-August and I'm going to make it 'self updating'. So when I post an update for dream to a certain website, it reads from that every time it starts and automatically updates if necessary. That way you can enjoy dream and I can work on it at the same time.

You can do that? Cool! P.S. How do you manually change the tab color in the skin?

You edit the color in a software like gimp.

I have two new tabs, and they are both using the same image files as the control tab thanks to a bad tutorial, and I want to change the image files. I have already created their images, i just need to make them use those images. I f I could delete them, I could recreate them using their new ones, or If i could change the old. I don't thing that scratch can read my skin, and I don't know how to check. I'm completely confused!
Please help!

p.s. how do you make a new thread? i want to make one for holy meatball.
p.p.s. when is scratch 2.0 going to be released?

Last edited by ZacIsCool (2012-07-15 18:06:46)



#85 2012-07-15 19:21:31

Registered: 2011-05-30
Posts: 500+

Re: Dream, a new scratch mod

ZacIsCool wrote:

chanmanpartyman wrote:

ZacIsCool wrote:

You can do that? Cool! P.S. How do you manually change the tab color in the skin?

You edit the color in a software like gimp.

I have two new tabs, and they are both using the same image files as the control tab thanks to a bad tutorial, and I want to change the image files. I have already created their images, i just need to make them use those images. I f I could delete them, I could recreate them using their new ones, or If i could change the old. I don't thing that scratch can read my skin, and I don't know how to check. I'm completely confused!
Please help!

p.s. how do you make a new thread? i want to make one for holy meatball.
p.p.s. when is scratch 2.0 going to be released?
Where it has the code you should run in a workspace make sure to add a right parentheses, because LS97 forgot that.
P.S. a right parentheses is ")"

Last edited by chanmanpartyman (2012-07-15 19:22:38)



#86 2012-07-16 00:56:43

Registered: 2011-09-08
Posts: 1000+

Re: Dream, a new scratch mod

you should make a dream mod website that you can upload dream projects to.

Eternity Tasks has launched into Alpha One!



#87 2012-07-17 12:37:32

New Scratcher
Registered: 2012-01-22
Posts: 100+

Re: Dream, a new scratch mod

XenoK wrote:

you should make a dream mod website that you can upload dream projects to.

I'll think about it.



#88 2012-07-18 10:55:01

New Scratcher
Registered: 2012-01-22
Posts: 100+

Re: Dream, a new scratch mod

Sparks, could you host another file for me? It's for updating Dream. If that's no problem. By the way, how's the block library going?



#89 2012-07-18 18:15:47

New Scratcher
Registered: 2012-01-22
Posts: 100+

Re: Dream, a new scratch mod

I've started working on it more and I have decided to only add 4 new categories, so far. Colors, System (primitives files and more), forms (images) , connections( internet,mesh etc). It's going to be first class like byob, but not made from byob.



#90 2012-07-24 15:40:47

Registered: 2012-02-24
Posts: 30

Re: Dream, a new scratch mod

cool!I  Can't wait! so it's still coming out mid-August then?

Last edited by ZacIsCool (2012-07-24 15:41:30)



#91 2012-07-24 17:12:57

New Scratcher
Registered: 2012-01-22
Posts: 100+

Re: Dream, a new scratch mod

ZacIsCool wrote:

cool!I  Can't wait! so it's still coming out mid-August then?

If I can find somebody to host a document on a website for me that is editable by me. I do not currently have a dream website.



#92 2012-07-26 02:31:51

Registered: 2011-11-23
Posts: 1000+

Re: Dream, a new scratch mod

Cool! How's it going?

Oh, and as for the dream website, I'd be happy to host :3



#93 2012-07-26 18:21:01

New Scratcher
Registered: 2012-01-22
Posts: 100+

Re: Dream, a new scratch mod

SciTecCf wrote:

Cool! How's it going?

Oh, and as for the dream website, I'd be happy to host :3

If you could host it, I would upload it tomorrow, because progress is going much better than I expected. PLEASE host it.



#94 2012-07-27 10:21:24

New Scratcher
Registered: 2012-01-22
Posts: 100+

Re: Dream, a new scratch mod

Here's a dream sneak peak:



#95 2012-07-31 20:30:02

Registered: 2011-12-28
Posts: 500+

Re: Dream, a new scratch mod

dreamod wrote:

Here's a dream sneak peak:

Thi sis EPIC! a reminder I won't be on Scratch that much but I 'll still be here, so if i'm on something, I will be commenting back, okay! wink , PICO Team!!!!!!!!!!! SCRATCH DEADW!!! PICO HACK ACCOUTNTT@@



#96 2012-08-01 03:23:47

Registered: 2012-01-04
Posts: 500+

Re: Dream, a new scratch mod

sparks wrote:

You'll do a great job, I'll bet!

adding it to the BL or not



#97 2012-08-23 15:36:59

New Scratcher
Registered: 2012-01-22
Posts: 100+

Re: Dream, a new scratch mod

I'm going to release Dream on dropbox soon, I think.



#98 2012-08-24 12:02:02

New Scratcher
Registered: 2012-01-22
Posts: 100+

Re: Dream, a new scratch mod

Quick question:
What's the UTI type for Unix Executable Files? (Creator and Kind, like (ttext TEXT) )



#99 2012-08-24 12:25:42

Registered: 2010-01-19
Posts: 1000+

Re: Dream, a new scratch mod

dreamod wrote:

Quick question:
What's the UTI type for Unix Executable Files? (Creator and Kind, like (ttext TEXT) )

there isnt
theyre execable because chmod +x



#100 2012-08-24 12:58:00

New Scratcher
Registered: 2012-01-22
Posts: 100+

Re: Dream, a new scratch mod

roijac wrote:

dreamod wrote:

Quick question:
What's the UTI type for Unix Executable Files? (Creator and Kind, like (ttext TEXT) )

there isnt
theyre execable because chmod +x

Well, when I write a file from Squeak, it sets the uti type to ttext Text, should I just set it to '    ' and '    ' ? Because that's what I've done.



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