Hello everybody, I am dreamod and I'm making a mod called Dream. I started yesterday and it is going to have lots of brand new features. It is made from scratch, but I have taken a few elements from other scratch mods, crediting them respectively, and I would like to let you know a little about this mod.
A lot of mods are boring. I won't name any examples as to not offend any users.
I intend to make this the ultimate mod. Panther is a really good mod, and I also think the mod Slash has some really cool features. However, they are not compatible. My goal is to sort of merge a few features from different mods and add new features.
I know a little squeak so I know how to add new blocks, methods, new categories, edit blocks, combine blocks, add new menus, and change the skin. but I would like some help with changing some of the fonts, if anybody could do that.
These are the categories in the beta version, it is based off of panther ( http://pantherprogramming.weebly.com/ )
Motion Control
Looks Sensing
Sound Operators
Pen Variables
Files Color (from panther)
Project Internet
Letters 'so far unnamed'
some new EXCLUSIVE* blocks I made:
('saying' #r #saying)
('thinking' #r #thinking')
('talking' #b #talking')
('thinking' #b #thinking')
" the ('change size by $String' #- #changeSizeBy:) has been combined with the stretch block to form ('change $Sizes$ by 10' #- #changeSizeTypeBy:)
$Sizes$ is a drop-down list which contains
^ # ('size' 'h stretch' 'v stretch')
('$Mouse$ down?' #b #mousePressed:)
$Mouse$ is a drop-down list witch contains
^ # ('left' 'right' 'middle' 'any')
('last sound played' #r #lastSoundPlayed)
('instrument' #r #getInstrument)
('$PathNames$ path name' #r #path:)
$PathNames$ is a drop-down list which contains
^ # ('user' 'desktop' 'documents' 'pictures' 'music' 'default' 'image')
('$Color$ = $Color$' #g #color:equals:)
('make a $Color$ square mouse 10 pixels wide' #- #mouseColored:)
youtube and amazon have been added to the "Google $String$" block.
('join mesh...' #- #joinMesh) (opens dialog which asks for IP-Adress to connect to.)
('$String$ is a vowel' #b #vowel:)
('$String$ is spelled correctly' #b #spelledCorrectly:)
* blocks from other mods or block library not included.
I'm also working on an improved version of Jens' 'flip block',
I'm changing it to :
('face $Directions2$' #- #face:)
$Directions2$ is a drop-down menu which contains
^ # ('right' 'left' 'up' 'down')
I'm still trying to modify the flip code.
zippynk wrote:
dreamod wrote:
I will take all your requests/ideas into consideration, keep em coming!
ps. I am actually an experienced scratcher, I just got a new account for this project.Who?
I got a new account because my other account had stupid projects, and I wanted to start fresh. Right now I am dreamod, my old name means nothing.
Oh! A new block! I don't know the method, but here are the blockspecs:
('dream %m' #- #dreamSprite) It shows the sprite selected in a thought bubble. Also, edge and mouse should be taken out. There should also be ('dreaming?' #b #dreaming).
ImagineIt wrote:
Oh! A new block! I don't know the method, but here are the blockspecs:
('dream %m' #- #dreamSprite) It shows the sprite selected in a thought bubble. Also, edge and mouse should be taken out. There should also be ('dreaming?' #b #dreaming).
what would ('dreaming?' #b #dreaming). do?
dreamod wrote:
ImagineIt wrote:
Oh! A new block! I don't know the method, but here are the blockspecs:
('dream %m' #- #dreamSprite) It shows the sprite selected in a thought bubble. Also, edge and mouse should be taken out. There should also be ('dreaming?' #b #dreaming).what would ('dreaming?' #b #dreaming). do?
See if it is dreaming or not.
dreamod wrote:
the block section 'so far unnamed' has been changed to geometry.
Geometry should be in operators since geometry is math, And you can use it mostly with trig.
dreamod wrote:
The blocks ('dream %m' #- #dreamSprite) and ('dreaming?' #b #dreaming) will probably not be created unless I get some help.
Jens can probably help. In his mod there's an operator that reports a block. He can probably help you modify it to be in a thought bubble.
ImagineIt wrote:
dreamod wrote:
the block section 'so far unnamed' has been changed to geometry.
Geometry should be in operators since geometry is math, And you can use it mostly with trig.
ok, that is true, but what do you think should be the 14th category? I have a feeling you are going to be a big contributor to project dream.
dreamod wrote:
ImagineIt wrote:
dreamod wrote:
the block section 'so far unnamed' has been changed to geometry.
Geometry should be in operators since geometry is math, And you can use it mostly with trig.
ok, that is true, but what do you think should be the 14th category? I have a feeling you are going to be a big contributor to project dream!
Thanks! And 14th? That's a lot of categories! I don't know what though. I wish I knew squeak like you!
the following blocks have recently been created:
('font $FontList$' #r #fontList)
('instrument name' #r #instrumentName)
('instrument $Number$ name' #r #instrumentName:)
('$PathNames$ / $String$' #- #userPathJoined:)
('new folder $String$' #- #newFolder:) IN PROGRESS. Help might be needed.
('$String$ is profanity, $Sensitivity$?' #b #isBadWord:Sensitivity:)
('cursor' #r #cursor)
('cursor is hidden' #b cursorHidden)
('comment "$String$"' #- #comment:)
('comment "$String$"' #c #doComment)
('$String$ with comment "$String$"' #r #string:WithComment:)
('$Boolean$ with comment "$String$"' #b #string:WithComment:)
('$Color$ with comment "$String$"' #g #string:WithComment:)
That's all the newest blocks since last post.
ImagineIt wrote:
dreamod wrote:
ImagineIt wrote:
Geometry should be in operators since geometry is math, And you can use it mostly with trig.
ok, that is true, but what do you think should be the 14th category? I have a feeling you are going to be a big contributor to project dream!
Thanks! And 14th? That's a lot of categories! I don't know what though. I wish I knew squeak like you!
I wouldn't say I completely know squeak but I know quite a few basics, and there are 14 block categories:
motion control
looks sensing
sound operators
pen variables
files colors
letters internet
project geometry
There is going to be a Dream 1.0 Player to go with Dream, that is always in full screen mode, ALONG with a normal Dream 1.0 which lets you make projects, save, etc.
What it does: It enters full screen mode when opened, and asks which file you wish to open. Then it loads the project and clicks the green flag. Clicking 'exit full screen mode' is the same as quitting the project. There will be a 'file', 'mesh' and 'settings' menu within the player, with the options:
File: Open..., Project Notes, and Quit.
Settings: Never Allow File I/O, Always Allow File I/O, Allow Internet, Allow/ Don't Allow Custom Blocks.
Mesh: Host Mesh, Join Mesh..., Leave Mesh, Stop Hosting Mesh, Show Mesh IP-Adress.
There will be a Dream Player Source Version that follows in the package, which lets you mod the player.