hey, i'd be happy to say zekrom, or zorark, but im even more exited to say i like... EMPOLEON!! hey, who do you like? it doesn't matter, BLACK or WHITE or SINNOH, i just like empoleon out of ALL the pokemon!
YEAH it may be pikachu! but he wasn't the first pokemon! everybodie's like, "my favorite is the first, PIKACHU!!!" bu NOPE! its bulbasuar... did you know that?
catsarah wrote:
YEAH it may be pikachu! but he wasn't the first pokemon! everybodie's like, "my favorite is the first, PIKACHU!!!" bu NOPE! its bulbasuar... did you know that?
Yeah, any Nintendo freak like me should know that.
Probably any of the Water Starters, or MissingNo
Not that I have ever really played or cared at all, but wasn't Pikachu the MAIN one anyway?
soupoftomato wrote:
Not that I have ever really played or cared at all, but wasn't Pikachu the MAIN one anyway?
Nope, only in the anime. He got so popular because of that. If it wasn't for the anime, Pikachu wouldn't be cared for at all.
The blue one. :3
PaperMario123 wrote:
soupoftomato wrote:
Not that I have ever really played or cared at all, but wasn't Pikachu the MAIN one anyway?Nope, only in the anime. He got so popular because of that. If it wasn't for the anime, Pikachu wouldn't be cared for at all.
But the anime has to be considered canon and part of the timeline and series. Therefore, he would be the main one in the entire series, if no other game or format of Pokemon really has a "main one."
I like Pikachu because I'm good with him in SSBB.
soupoftomato wrote:
PaperMario123 wrote:
soupoftomato wrote:
Not that I have ever really played or cared at all, but wasn't Pikachu the MAIN one anyway?Nope, only in the anime. He got so popular because of that. If it wasn't for the anime, Pikachu wouldn't be cared for at all.
But the anime has to be considered canon and part of the timeline and series. Therefore, he would be the main one in the entire series, if no other game or format of Pokemon really has a "main one."
Fun fact: No characters with the name "Ash" appear in ANY of the games.
The anime came out AFTER the first games, so the video games are the head.
CheeseMunchy wrote:
The blue one. :3
how descriptive
All Pokémon are Dittoes in disguise, so, er, Ditto.
blazerv82 wrote:
CheeseMunchy wrote:
The blue one. :3
how descriptive
I like... dunno. Snorlax? Mew? Mew is pretty awesome. But Arceus is as well. RAAAGH!
Fun fact: Pikachu, Ratticate, Butterfree and those three are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head. Mainly because of Pokemon Explained.
i like me some raichu
mewtwo is in second
my god those guys are so macho
dat weird rock guy with arms
who floats..
bananaman114 wrote:
dat weird rock guy with arms
who floats..
geodude woo
get on the box
I like Pikachu and almost all the water starters
catsarah wrote:
YEAH it may be pikachu! but he wasn't the first pokemon! everybodie's like, "my favorite is the first, PIKACHU!!!" bu NOPE! its bulbasuar... did you know that?
I'm pretty sure it was Rhydon, actually.
Agentpieface wrote:
catsarah wrote:
YEAH it may be pikachu! but he wasn't the first pokemon! everybodie's like, "my favorite is the first, PIKACHU!!!" bu NOPE! its bulbasuar... did you know that?
I'm pretty sure it was Rhydon, actually.
nope look it up!
catsarah wrote:
YEAH it may be pikachu! but he wasn't the first pokemon! everybodie's like, "my favorite is the first, PIKACHU!!!" bu NOPE! its bulbasuar... did you know that?
I used to think Pikachu was the first pokemon.
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