Press the Button
Press the Button 2
Press the Button 3
Live Free or Press the Button
Press the Button 5
Press the Button 6 (NEW!)
I strongly urge everyone to press the buttons. Also, please comment on the projects.
Last edited by S65 (2008-03-10 18:30:47)
Because of the enormous popularity of the original Press the Button, I've made a sequel that's even better!
Press the Button 2
To death? That just makes me laugh, sorry.
flag this forever, bub!
Rukqo, we ask that people not complain about inappropriate projects on the forums, as it just provides them with advertising. Use the "flag as inappropriate" button to report a project that violates the terms of use, or use the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of every page.
A project being popular for a long time is not a reason to flag it as inappropriate. The "press the button" projects are based on startling someone, but are not inappropriate for 8-12 year olds (though they may be for younger children).
I believe all of them are too scary, so they should change it
kevin_karplus wrote:
A project being popular for a long time is not a reason to flag it as inappropriate. The "press the button" projects are based on startling someone, but are not inappropriate for 8-12 year olds (though they may be for younger children).
NO. I didn't mean we should flag them because they are popular. I meant that they are inappropriate, but they are still popular. Scratch is for everyone, which means every project is supposed to be appropriate for EVERYONE. And the reason I'm mad is that someothing inappropriate is still so popular!!!
there's nothing really inappropriate here, it's just scary. And you know, the only reason I keep making more is because people keep complaining "NO THAT IS BAD "
I mean, you could tell what it was from reading the comments anyway.
EDIT: also I just realized this is probably one of the most controversial things on here, maybe even more than that Vanessa Hudgeson dress-up thing
Davidsonofinga: That's the point =P
Last edited by S65 (2008-03-11 15:24:55)
kevin_karplus wrote:
A project being popular for a long time is not a reason to flag it as inappropriate. The "press the button" projects are based on startling someone, but are not inappropriate for 8-12 year olds (though they may be for younger children).
how can these projects not be inappropriate!
i'm ten and it nearly scared me to death! (not litterally.)
i say these get deleted, the fifth one freaked me out. I had to see an ugly face with his eyes popping out,staring at you, with his tongue sticking that is just...
don't watch these...random and inappropiate.
kevin_karplus wrote:
A project being popular for a long time is not a reason to flag it as inappropriate. The "press the button" projects are based on startling someone, but are not inappropriate for 8-12 year olds (though they may be for younger children).
woah hey...i'm 9 and it pretty much scared me. so, kudos to him.