schusteralex2 wrote:
I tried this on a trophy with a spinning tennis ball on it, and when I concentrated on it it looked like it was spinning but then when I blinked, It went back to the starting point. maybe I need something lighter??
Good job Yes you will need something much lighter to start with. I suggest a foil psi wheel sitting on a needle because it responds very easily to TK energy so you can see if your doing anything at all. Eventually, you'll want to start trying to move a plastic pen. And I mean when you can consistantly spin the psi wheel.
wolvesstar97 wrote:
I did! It worked!
soupoftomato wrote:
One last thing:
I watched that darrynsloan video and half of it was him explaining how that girl fixed herself because she wanted to or whatever,
The brain can take over functions of the other parts if it needs to.
Yes I know that, but that isn't the point of the video. It's a telekinesis tutorial for beginners. One good example of things we don't understand about the brain, is how the monks can channel their inner energy and use it to shield their body. Even the hugest man would be cut by putting their enire body weight on spears and scimitars.
Last edited by steppenwulf (2012-01-16 14:47:30)
Luke121 wrote:
RedRocker227 wrote:
Luke121 wrote:
But in all honesty, there is no scientific proof that Telekinesis is real. It's the same principal with magic tricks. It may look like something is happening, but when you back away for a time, you realize it's all in your head.
steppenwulf wrote:
A note to all of you who aren't interested in telekinesis: just don't post here. This thread is for anyone who is interested in learning TK.
If you don't have anything positive to say, keep it to yourself.I'm pretty sure I phrase that as kindly as possible, thank you very much.
Anyways, I'm pretty sure all of us want telekinesis to be real, because that would be awesome. But until I see someone do more than twirl a piece of tin foil, I'm just afraid I won't be able to believe it. If you have any video proof of this, please post it. Please?
EDIT: If you could prove it, I'd probably convert at a moment's notice. But alas...
schusteralex2 wrote:
wolvesstar97 wrote:
steppenwulf wrote:
Go for it Concentration and everyday practice is key.I did! It worked!
What did you move??
A psi wheel. I got it spinning pretty fast! I also did it from a cross the room when I was laying in bed, and I wasn't even trying! There was no wind currents either!
schusteralex2 wrote:
would a piece of printer paper work??
Yes, a square of printer paper will work. BUT I highly advise you to start with foil though
I've posted a video of me controling the direction of the psi wheel while voicing commands. It turned in the direction I voiced or it stopped when I wanted it to. I had about 80% success, which is pretty good.
Last edited by steppenwulf (2012-01-18 12:32:31)
steppenwulf wrote:
I've posted a video of me controling the direction of the psi wheel while voicing commands. It turned in the direction I voiced or it stopped when I wanted it to. I had about 80% success, which is pretty good.
It didn't really look like 80%
Andres-Vander wrote:
steppenwulf wrote:
I've posted a video of me controling the direction of the psi wheel while voicing commands. It turned in the direction I voiced or it stopped when I wanted it to. I had about 80% success, which is pretty good. didn't really look like 80%
Looked pretty good to me.
bananaman114 wrote:
RedRocker227 wrote:
bananaman114 wrote:
Because my mom hates the like of such
along with anime
and japan for the recordJust don't tell her about it then
She rummages through my stuff sometimes
Yeah, mine too. -.-
Andres-Vander wrote:
steppenwulf wrote:
I've posted a video of me controling the direction of the psi wheel while voicing commands. It turned in the direction I voiced or it stopped when I wanted it to. I had about 80% success, which is pretty good. didn't really look like 80%
It looks like it to me; I was pretty consistant with the starting a stopping.
waveOSBeta wrote:
bananaman114 wrote:
RedRocker227 wrote:
Just don't tell her about it thenShe rummages through my stuff sometimes
Yeah, mine too. -.-
That's like, an invasion of privacy.
Bump. I'll be updating my progress in the main post. Starting now.
Last edited by steppenwulf (2012-01-19 21:32:02)
Since the misc is going down soon, I want as many people as possible to look at this. Even if you don't believe in it keep it in mind. If you are practicing, practice every day.
I'm happy that I was able to guide four people from the ocean of skeptics, towards discovering this amazing ability we possess. Rabbit1131, wolvesstar, AnimeCreatorArtist, and degscratcher, I'm proud of you
If anyone needs to contact me after misc gets shut down, my email is [removed]
[Moderator Edit: For safety reasons, please don't share e-mail addresses on the Scratch Website]
Last edited by cheddargirl (2012-01-26 10:21:44)
steppenwulf wrote:
Since the misc is going down soon, I want as many people as possible to look at this. Even if you don't believe in it keep it in mind. If you are practicing, practice every day.
I'm happy that I was able to guide four people from the ocean of skeptics, towards discovering this amazing ability we possess. Rabbit1131, wolvesstar, AnimeCreatorArtist, and degscratcher, I'm proud of you
If anyone needs to contact me after misc gets shut down, my email is [removed]
It's going down?
Last edited by cheddargirl (2012-01-26 10:21:58)