Just a small issue... It's moving, and I'm not even trying.
What's goin' on? Is it heat or something?
rabbit1131 wrote:
Just a small issue... It's moving, and I'm not even trying.
What's goin' on? Is it heat or something?
Telekinesis doesn't exist, though making it turn with your hands does.
It can either be a small breeze in the room (unlikely) or your body temperature is higher than the room, so it causes some light winds or something making it turn.
rabbit1131 wrote:
Just a small issue... It's moving, and I'm not even trying.
What's goin' on? Is it heat or something?
A note to all of you who aren't interested in telekinesis: just don't post here. This thread is for anyone who is interested in learning TK.
If you don't have anything positive to say, keep it to yourself.
rabbit1131 wrote:
Just a small issue... It's moving, and I'm not even trying.
What's goin' on? Is it heat or something?
Telekinesis is strange sometimes. It can work even if you're not completely thinking about the object, or even when daydreaming. Good job on getting it to move by the way. I do advise wearing a mask sometimes to make sure you're not breathing on it.
Last edited by steppenwulf (2012-01-13 14:05:43)
I'm typing this with my mind.
TeLeKiNeSiS iS rEaL!
But in all honesty, there is no scientific proof that Telekinesis is real. It's the same principal with magic tricks. It may look like something is happening, but when you back away for a time, you realize it's all in your head.
Luke121 wrote:
But in all honesty, there is no scientific proof that Telekinesis is real. It's the same principal with magic tricks. It may look like something is happening, but when you back away for a time, you realize it's all in your head.
steppenwulf wrote:
A note to all of you who aren't interested in telekinesis: just don't post here. This thread is for anyone who is interested in learning TK.
If you don't have anything positive to say, keep it to yourself.
RedRocker227 wrote:
Luke121 wrote:
But in all honesty, there is no scientific proof that Telekinesis is real. It's the same principal with magic tricks. It may look like something is happening, but when you back away for a time, you realize it's all in your head.
steppenwulf wrote:
A note to all of you who aren't interested in telekinesis: just don't post here. This thread is for anyone who is interested in learning TK.
If you don't have anything positive to say, keep it to yourself.
I'm pretty sure I phrase that as kindly as possible, thank you very much.
Anyways, I'm pretty sure all of us want telekinesis to be real, because that would be awesome. But until I see someone do more than twirl a piece of tin foil, I'm just afraid I won't be able to believe it. If you have any video proof of this, please post it. Please?
EDIT: If you could prove it, I'd probably convert at a moment's notice. But alas...
Last edited by Luke121 (2012-01-13 14:22:32)
I was replying directly to two people, but it is was just a general message. And like I said before, once we finish the pickles, I'll spin the wheel under the jar
EDIT: and the only way to provide solid proof is to show you in person, or to have you give telekinesis a try for a few days.
Last edited by steppenwulf (2012-01-13 14:48:56)
A question:
Do you think this telekinetic power is "spiritual"?
I ask because I have a "friend" who is Wiccan and he told us to rub our hands together and hold them apart, and that the tingly feeling was some sort of magic energy. He didn't like the friction explanation.
Last edited by soupoftomato (2012-01-13 15:41:33)
RedRocker227 wrote:
bananaman114 wrote:
RedRocker227 wrote:
Why wouldn't you be allowed?Because my mom hates the like of such
along with anime
and japan for the recordJust don't tell her about it then
I must agree with this.
Just so you know I don't actually believe this
soupoftomato wrote:
A question:
Do you think this telekinetic power is "spiritual"?
I ask because I have a "friend" who is Wiccan and he told us to rub our hands together and hold them apart, and that the tingly feeling was some sort of magic energy. He didn't like the friction explanation.
No, I don't think it's spiritual. But you will find many, many tutorials for chi control and telekinesis on paranormal websites. I had to disregard all of them, which made my search really hard.
And actually if you consentrate on your hands and hold them apart long enough, you may start to feel you chi.
I also wouldn't call telekinesis a "power" myself; I would say it's a dormant ability that must be "awakened" so to speak.
Last edited by steppenwulf (2012-01-13 18:16:57)
Update: I can now spin the psi wheel from over 50 feet away. I will make a video on that, but here's when I do it from 15 feet away.
EDIT: this is my brother's account. I forgot to log into Wulf.
Last edited by XSpearPillarX (2012-01-15 21:37:57)
That's actually my video.
Just remembered me and some buddies wrote a story for our English/Reading class about telekinesis.
It was fictional, however, so he had more fun than spinning paper. A narwhal told him of his ability as he swam in the arctic. Than his dresser fell on him, he used telekinesis to lift it off. He went to get revenge on his childhood nemesis, Justin Bieber, by chucking a water bottle at him with his mind. Then some girl was impressed and they went to Taco Bell for their first date. Then they got married, later, at the same Taco Bell. He forgot the ring so he used his mind to slip it off a married person in the audience.
So like, I would probably be disappointed if all I could do was move paper if i had telekinesis.
My kettle can do this, I've named it kettlekenisis, my kettle is very intelligent for a kettle.
But really, it's science, I thought I might try the psi wheel thing and I used mugs, a kettle, my hands and a piece of hot steel in an O shape. Required no thinking at all.
I didn't believe in telekinesis, as I disregard magic as false. However, after seeing the scientific explanations people have made, I can really start to believe that it is possible to move small, light objects with just your mind. Based on what I've read, I would guess telekinesis is easier in a cold room, because raising your body temperature enough to create wind would not require as much effort.
Many of you are having a misconception about telekinesis. It's not magic or otherworldly. It's simply a brain function that is very little understood or researched. We don't even know half of the mysteries that the brain holds.
Spinning the psi is possible by putting hot objects around it. This creates a "vortex" of rising heat that spins the psi wheel. Telekinesis isn't a vortex of heat. In fact, if you tried it, you would be surprised at how simple it is. Just imagine it spinning and stare at it.
One mystery that has yet to be solved is how the human body can heal itself. Many times when new drugs are being tested, one group is gived the actual drug, and another is given a placebo (fake filled with sugar). In many instances the placebo works better.
wolvesstar97 wrote:
I want to try this!
Go for it Concentration and everyday practice is key.
One last thing:
I watched that darrynsloan video and half of it was him explaining how that girl fixed herself because she wanted to or whatever,
The brain can take over functions of the other parts if it needs to.
I tried this on a trophy with a spinning tennis ball on it, and when I concentrated on it it looked like it was spinning but then when I blinked, It went back to the starting point. maybe I need something lighter??
steppenwulf wrote:
wolvesstar97 wrote:
I want to try this!
Go for it
Concentration and everyday practice is key.
I did! It worked!
wolvesstar97 wrote:
steppenwulf wrote:
wolvesstar97 wrote:
I want to try this!
Go for it
Concentration and everyday practice is key.
I did! It worked!
What did you move??