1. Before When a project is uploaded the user can choose if they can either:
>allow all downloads/remixs but they give credit
>allow downloading but not remixing unless the remixer puts in a very hard captha and the project uploader is told who remixed/downloads but not remixing
>only allow looking at the scripts (to learn) and/or downloads
>only downloads
and the user is given a warning about art and only to post art at there risk. then when a user downloads they are given a capta to put in to aviod spam downloading/remixing (downloading using multiple accounts very quick just to get them on the front page) and have to wait for a couple of seconds. then when remixing they have to wait 3-5 secs to save server use.
2. A contact to report VERY serious stuff (bad pics, REAL copyright infirgintent such as posting a full movie and claiming as there own, stealing art WITHOUT giving credit and claiming as there own,VERY bad and rude words,etc) and they select the reason why and the evidence and the reason why they are reporting. Then the scratch team checks the evidence and reasoning. However if they find out the person was false reporting/spamming/saying lies just to get people into trouble the person either gets a very severe warning or a banning.
3. A "see scripts" button. Not just people can see scripts and sprites,etc this also saves bandwith on server speed and can speed up the site and saves the time and speed of downloading.
Great ideas but another option could be that someone can hide blocks when downloaded that are private e.g. Username and passwords for a login functionality.
Great idea though, wouldn't have thought of that.
Head of Monkey Banana