This is a thread based entirely about people opinions on galleries. I was advised to set up a thread on how projects should be shown inside galleries so ive set up a topic for anything based on galleries.
Main topics include.
Should Gallery Owners be able to remove users and/or projects,
How many projects should be shown on each page of the gallery,
Should you have to subscribe to a gallery,
Should you be allowed to join without the owners permission,
How should projects be ordered within a gallery.
Any please add any other ideas and share your opinions.
I'll start with my opinions.
I do think gallery owners should be able remove projects. I think this would be useful for keeping galleries specific. such as a gallery for a school or for a specific type of project.
I Also think that all projects in a gallery should be shown on just one page as it used to be. This is to let every project get noticed as much.
I think maybe projects should be ordered within the gallery by how long they have been in the gallery rather than how old the project is.
These are just a few ideas. please discuss
I think owners should be the *only* ones to be able to add or remove projects from a gallery. Project owners should submit projects for consideration by the owner, who then either puts them in the gallery or not (like a moderated chat board, in which every post need approval by a moderator).
There should be three ways of viewing a gallery:
1) as now, with big pictures and lots of text
2) as in "my stuff" with small pictures and only titles (but with 50 to a page, not 9)
3) titles and authors only, for faster browsing
Subscription to a gallery, like subscription to a forum topic, should just mean that you get notified when there is something new in the gallery. It should not be in related in any way to whether you have projects in a gallery.
Owners should have full control over what projects go in the gallery, but no control over who gets notified about changes to the gallery.
Within a gallery, there should be several orderings:
1) imposed by owner, who may have a sensible ordering (like a TV series)
2) by creation/modification date
3) by title
4) by author
5) by popularity (views or loveits)
The most important change for making galleries a really useful tool is for owners of galleries to be have full control over what projects are in the gallery---to be able to add projects that they find interesting without having to beg the project owner to submit, to be able to remove projects that they no longer feel belong, ... .
kevin_karplus wrote:
The most important change for making galleries a really useful tool is for owners of galleries to be have full control over what projects are in the gallery---to be able to add projects that they find interesting without having to beg the project owner to submit, to be able to remove projects that they no longer feel belong, ... .
I certainly agree on this point, especially the removal part. At least two forums I check regularly have had unwanted (I assume) additions which were in bad taste (or worse) and way beyond the limits for this forum. Yet, because it apparently takes an andministrator to remove the offending messages, they remain and give the whole forum a bad flavor. This problem is not unique to those two forums - I've heard complaints from many people who maintain websites that allow visitor input.
While I don't think administrator response time would be a problem here - the Scratch team is really great about that - part of "ownership" should also be monitoring your own galleries.