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What are you on?
Zelda123 wrote:
This doesn't make much sense and has nothing to do with Scratch. Also, I'm guessing you're Cardboard4443.
Was it the signature that gave it away?
Bluestribute wrote:
Zelda123 wrote:
This doesn't make much sense and has nothing to do with Scratch. Also, I'm guessing you're Cardboard4443.
Was it the signature that gave it away?
Would a new user randomly advertise some other persons project? And why is it so coincidentally phrased the same way and says "my" game.
I am actually Cardboard3334
Cardboard4443 is my Uncle's cousins' brother's Grandma's Grandaughter's former College roomate. Go Calfa Alfa Ralfa Dalfa Balfa Odalfa Alfa Ralfa Dalfa
Or C.A.R.D.B.O.A.R.D for short. Best sorority ever!!!
NameMeFor10bucks wrote:
I am actually Cardboard3334
Cardboard4443 is my Uncle's cousins' brother's Grandma's Grandaughter's former College roomate. Go Calfa Alfa Ralfa Dalfa Balfa Odalfa Alfa Ralfa Dalfa
Or C.A.R.D.B.O.A.R.D for short. Best sorority ever!!!
Explain this:
Pleas stop with the fakery.
DUUUUUUUDE! I'm shy don't tell everyone about me!!!
Zelda123 wrote:
Bluestribute wrote:
Zelda123 wrote:
This doesn't make much sense and has nothing to do with Scratch. Also, I'm guessing you're Cardboard4443.
Was it the signature that gave it away?
Would a new user randomly advertise some other persons project? And why is it so coincidentally phrased the same way and says "my" game.
Actually it say "the".
keroro645 wrote:
Zelda123 wrote:
Bluestribute wrote:
Was it the signature that gave it away?Would a new user randomly advertise some other persons project? And why is it so coincidentally phrased the same way and says "my" game.
Actually it say "the".
He changed it.
No I didn't. You just read it wrong. Or did I?
I'm to lazy to change it.
Cardboard3334 wrote:
DUUUUUUUDE! I'm shy don't tell everyone about me!!!
All these fake usernames just makes Scratch's servers have more work. Don't do it!!! >:{
NameMeFor10bucks wrote:
I am actually Cardboard3334
Cardboard4443 is my Uncle's cousins' brother's Grandma's Grandaughter's former College roomate. Go Calfa Alfa Ralfa Dalfa Balfa Odalfa Alfa Ralfa Dalfa
Or C.A.R.D.B.O.A.R.D for short. Best sorority ever!!!
If you're actually Cardboard3334:
1. Why was there an invalid error when I went to that page (so coicidentally appearing after)?
2. Why does the newest forum member say Cardboard3334?