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#1 2008-08-06 19:42:17

Registered: 2008-05-26
Posts: 37

GF-Game FrameWork - building school game with same GUI

Hi everyone, I have a vision i like to share.

To have many small good scratch educations games with same GUI, that could be used in education and not only for programing educations. (v0.05 is a suggestion)

A open source project have more than 100 different education games (many good ones), but it need download and for adding new stuff you need to learn python and CSV

In scratch most of them can be done and many more. There is already many good education game which could be converted to GF for having same GUI. 

To explain more details I have put up a wiki page for this, for working togher on a on a specification

Is anyone interested to help or have idees suggestion to improved the concept I have build, please remixed it with improvments and write about it in notes, or on this forum or in the wiki.

regards klasbricks



#2 2008-08-06 22:09:47

Registered: 2008-05-01
Posts: 100+

Re: GF-Game FrameWork - building school game with same GUI

Your idea of creating a standard interface for games is an interesting way to help categorize games - is this something that could be helpful to educators or students?

Could you apply this to non-game projects?



#3 2008-08-07 03:41:05

Registered: 2008-05-26
Posts: 37

Re: GF-Game FrameWork - building school game with same GUI

YES - all program that have some goals, and or sub goals, But if there are a piece of art or story with only one options this is not needed.
If you make education you could use levels as chapter and play button to get to next part, which make it more standar GUI.



#4 2008-08-07 18:49:02

Registered: 2008-05-26
Posts: 37

Re: GF-Game FrameWork - building school game with same GUI

v0.07 update with only 5 Sprite, 21 scripts, 6 broadcasts, and learn that I want a "stop all sprite script" which should make the code very clean now all game sprites will have to poll a global variable.



#5 2008-08-10 22:38:48

Registered: 2008-05-26
Posts: 37

Re: GF-Game FrameWork - building school game with same GUI

First converted game to a educations games
My favorites AlphaCircles by chalkmarrow is now converted to
GF-Game framework sprites and GUI. The very nice code, get messy adding a frameworked outside, but I have now one real education game.
The big different is if doing wrong it right letter is growing so you will see it, for me educations games is for learning not only testing what you know.
This game on easy is perfect for traning and learning alphabet or gaming.
My goal is it should be good enough for educations



#6 2008-08-11 06:38:32

Scratch Team
Registered: 2007-10-27
Posts: 1000+

Re: GF-Game FrameWork - building school game with same GUI

klasbricks wrote:

First converted game to a educations games
My favorites AlphaCircles by chalkmarrow is now converted to
GF-Game framework sprites and GUI. The very nice code, get messy adding a frameworked outside, but I have now one real education game.
The big different is if doing wrong it right letter is growing so you will see it, for me educations games is for learning not only testing what you know.
This game on easy is perfect for traning and learning alphabet or gaming.
My goal is it should be good enough for educations

Very good!  Do you have a list of other projects that you would like converted that other Scratchers can work on?



#7 2008-08-11 08:37:07

Registered: 2008-05-26
Posts: 37

Re: GF-Game FrameWork - building school game with same GUI

Thanks M-C-conner
>>Do you have a list of other projects that you would like converted that other Scratchers can work on? /Paddle2See
Not yet but my educations need is math games. On my short list over project is
From my math games
is only and change to +
and in the corner on first level 5,6,8,10 next level 11,12,14,15, next level 16,17,18,20
Later build a new game with .
Games not 100% education but brain training from my favoGames is wasy to convert to 3 age levels with sub levels in. MasterMind, with your suggest change click on color to get a peg age-level with 5,6,7 colors or in first level show which one is right color and positions. your sealing course could education and simulation about wind Agelevel 1 motor boat age level 2 sailboat level 3 wind that change sometimes, level 1 take boys 2-6 add more boats on every level on last level something that slowly hunt the boat.
Other suggestion on good education math games not in my mathgamelist??



#8 2008-08-11 19:24:39

Registered: 2008-05-26
Posts: 37

Re: GF-Game FrameWork - building school game with same GUI GF-Peg Solitare v1.2 is converted and improved, there is note so easy to install a GF-game framework on game which have already a levels. Best is to build new program, seconds best is convert simple games with no levels.
Small fix in GF-Game FrameWork now version 0.9c, should be nice if anyone make a code check if there is any strange case which code should not worked.



#9 2008-08-18 10:33:13

Registered: 2008-05-26
Posts: 37

Re: GF-Game FrameWork - building school game with same GUI

Now my second math train program is OK - Count fruits, it is a remix.
Which make very good basic number counting!
Is any thing missing ( like some part goals)?
This game idee could be used to many order sorting game of odd, even big, small number and so on.



#10 2008-08-25 13:32:42

Registered: 2008-05-26
Posts: 37

Re: GF-Game FrameWork - building school game with same GUI

So far so good i have converted 3 puzzlegames and to educations programs with good result code get little messy but you get nice GUI and levels.
Have make a scratch page on my school wiki
were ideas for educations , GameFramwork documentations. GF-CountFruits Basic counting training GF-AlphaCircles nice alphabetic games now with more easy levels adn option for swedish alpabet. GF-MasterMind (very happy with, better than many onlines games) GF-Slider (Now faster and with levels selected, 3levels rewrite to be faster) GF-Peg Solitare (work better than befor but not excelent)

I hope this could inpsire some more use of Game FrameWork 0.11b



#11 2008-12-13 19:30:08

Registered: 2008-05-26
Posts: 37

Re: GF-Game FrameWork - building school game with same GUI

Now i hade make a math train program which repeat the wrong answered
this will be a ground to different math program.



#12 2009-01-18 09:45:28

Registered: 2009-01-18
Posts: 1

Re: GF-Game FrameWork - building school game with same GUI

Hey klasbricks - loved the topic.

I am also working on a brain training game, I am trying to base it on material from "e-mindfitness" (made by Cognifit company plus academic thesis) - can you tell me what you think about the memory improvement games demos at the aforementioned link?

Think it will be useful as a written project at Scratch? it should be for youth and it seems like that's the aim of Scratch right?

Thanks  big_smile



#13 2009-01-20 15:36:08

Registered: 2008-05-26
Posts: 37

Re: GF-Game FrameWork - building school game with same GUI

Thanks for the links, Nice ideas, all mind training is good I think,  and most of the ideas can be done in scratch, drop a note if  you do some of them, so far i had make 3 think games, and 1 1/2 math game training with the same GUI.



#14 2009-02-08 19:37:22

Registered: 2009-02-07
Posts: 2

Re: GF-Game FrameWork - building school game with same GUI

how do you make your own game fast



#15 2009-02-09 15:54:58

Registered: 2008-05-26
Posts: 37

Re: GF-Game FrameWork - building school game with same GUI

To make it fast I use few moving things and few loops,
all code runs in begin of every game but all that is not needed is exit
so only 3-4 sprites have code active in the same time


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