NB: I apologise if this has been suggested anywhere before, announced or anything else. I didn't like the idea of searching through countless topics to make sure. Sorry.
An idea that I think would really get users interested in making top quality projects and giving them goals to strive towards would be a kind of award system, project commendations. Picture a kind of section at the side of the project where little icons or texts would be placed once a particular achievement has been confirmed.
It may take some time and thought to actually make them work effectively. Perhaps date awarded could be included. I was thinking of some commendations as examples:
First Love-It! - An award to praise young and new scratchers.
Tin Medal - Awarded for 5 love-its on the project
Bronze Medal - Awarded for 10 love-its on the project
Silver Medal - Awarded for 25 love-its on the project
Gold Medal - Awarded for 50 love-its on the project
Platinum Medal - Awarded for 100 love-its on the project
? - Awarded for 250 love-its on the project
? - Awarded for 500 love-its on the project
? - Awarded for 1000 love-its on the project
Featured Star - Featured on the front page
SDS Star - Selected by Scratch Design Studio
Super Star - Most viewed, downloaded or loved on front page
Special Star - [Secret Criteria]
Remix Trophy - Remixed over 20 times
Download Trophy - Downloaded over 50 times
Favourited Trophy - Favourited over 20 times
Gallery Trophy - Present in over 20 galleries
These are just some random examples I threw out there and I'm sure the idea could be greatly improved upon, integrated to user pages and galleries etc. Users love being rewarded for doing well so why not give them a permanent congratulations on their most deserving projects? A permanent thumbs-up for users who were lucky enough to have a project featured in the past but no longer have proof of it.
It would be very nice to see some integration like this. Thanks a LOT for reading!
You get a "Read acedannyk's fantastic suggestion" award! Just kidding :)
These would be awesome! :D
I think it should have a list of your achievements on your 'My stuff' page, so everyone can see it though!
And maybe some of them would be near-impossible for most users, like 1000 love-its. There's probably only about ten people on Scratch who would get that.#
And what about one for if 20 people friend you?
Last edited by RedRocker227 (2011-12-17 13:11:23)
Maybe there could be a link to the forum post number. Like on the sims 3 website