I'm not too experienced with this kind of stuff but maybe you should do
When name trigger is on...
Pick number between 1 and 5
if 1 the first letter is B
if 2 the first letter is M
if 3 the first letter is T
if 4 the first letter is J
if 5 the first letter is K
and maybe have it random generate and at certain points it should only have vowels and at others, only consenants, and maybe one variable could be set in order to stop the name creation process. Sorry if this is unclear.
Okay; here is something you can try:
Have the user input a list of vowels they want in the name: aeiouy Have the user input a list of constants they want: bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz Then ask can they want their name to be written (V = Vowel, C = Constant) VCVCV If the first letter of the "form" is "V" then pick a random vowel they put in the list above and add it to a variable ( name ) and if it's a constant, do the same thing, but with constants. Output: acelo ( or something ) In case you are wondering how to use the variable use the "join" operator: [set "name" to "(join 'name' with '[letter]')"]
There are probably other ways, but that's how I would probably do it.
Magnie wrote:
Okay; here is something you can try:
Have the user input a list of vowels they want in the name: aeiouy Have the user input a list of constants they want: bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz Then ask can they want their name to be written (V = Vowel, C = Constant) VCVCV If the first letter of the "form" is "V" then pick a random vowel they put in the list above and add it to a variable ( name ) and if it's a constant, do the same thing, but with constants. Output: acelo ( or something ) In case you are wondering how to use the variable use the "join" operator: [set "name" to "(join 'name' with '[letter]')"]There are probably other ways, but that's how I would probably do it.
Wow, never thought of that. Nice idea!
Magnie wrote:
Okay; here is something you can try:
Have the user input a list of vowels they want in the name: aeiouy Have the user input a list of constants they want: bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz Then ask can they want their name to be written (V = Vowel, C = Constant) VCVCV If the first letter of the "form" is "V" then pick a random vowel they put in the list above and add it to a variable ( name ) and if it's a constant, do the same thing, but with constants. Output: acelo ( or something ) In case you are wondering how to use the variable use the "join" operator: [set "name" to "(join 'name' with '[letter]')"]There are probably other ways, but that's how I would probably do it.
That seems very perplexing=-(
i downloaded the link, but i want to make a sci-fi/ fantasy name generator where the names are created by combining parts of words. For example, DreadedElk, which are two words combined to make one name. Does anybody have an idea on how to do it like that?
fg123 wrote:
If you want to generate names without a defined list, that would require lots of calculations. Other wise, you can get a list, store a whole bunch of names on it, and use this:
Or (item (any) of [list])
Garr8 wrote:
i want to make a name generator, but i dont know how, what scripts do i need and what should my sprites look like?
Sprites? Why would you ask US what YOUR sprites should look like? Isn’t that YOUR decision?
Scripts on the other hand, for a name generator it depends. You could either have it generate letters, with vowel sensors so that the name is speakable, or you could add a bunch of names to a list, and then have it choose random.