I made a project called Blimp Wars. It's very fun, but some people have suggested that I improve how the sprites look. That will be your job.
Your challenge is to make better-looking blimps, turrets, and weapons (try to keep them about the same shape and size). You can either post the image here, or make a remix of my project.
If I end up using your image in my project, I will include a random easter-egg type thing for you (suggestions welcome). My current idea is to make it so that you can show up in the window of a randomly-generated building. Or I might add credits for when you get every achievement.
Needed images:
Blimp (2 colors)
Turrets (3 colors)
Wheeled Turret
Burrowing Turret
All weapons but all kinds of Creepers, portal gun, and Nyan Cat.
Currently UnprovenTheorem wins.
Thank you.
Last edited by Billybob-Mario (2011-12-27 11:59:11)
Hi! First of all, nice project! I'm working on some images for you -- so far I've done the everything except the weapons. Can I upload the remix and then you can let me know what you think of it so far? I had to change the names of some of the costumes while I was making edits/duplicates, so the coding got a bit messed up and it won't work on the website, but if you download it you can view the sprites and fix the mix-ups I made in your coding! (Sorry about that!)
P.S. If you want a rough idea of what my graphics look like before I upload your game, you can take a look at some of my projects. (For Blimp Wars, I went with the thick outline look that you can kind of see here. (= )
EDIT: The uploaded remix can be found here: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/UnprovenTheorem/2217539
Last edited by UnprovenTheorem (2011-12-14 20:18:39)
UnprovenTheorem wrote:
Hi! First of all, nice project! I'm working on some images for you -- so far I've done the everything except the weapons. Can I upload the remix and then you can let me know what you think of it so far? I had to change the names of some of the costumes while I was making edits/duplicates, so the coding got a bit messed up and it won't work on the website, but if you download it you can view the sprites and fix the mix-ups I made in your coding! (Sorry about that!)
P.S. If you want a rough idea of what my graphics look like before I upload your game, you can take a look at some of my projects. (For Blimp Wars, I went with the thick outline look that you can kind of see here. (= )
EDIT: The uploaded remix can be found here: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/UnprovenTheorem/2217539
Wow! It looks great. There's a small problem: you used the building color on the blimp (and possibly other things). This means that stuff will explode on them. If you use a slightly different color, it will be fine.
I fixed a few textures (including the building-colored blimp), and I'm going to upload a new version with them (and a few other things.
But really, they're amazing. It's hard to overstate my satisfaction. I will be surprised if anyone beats this.
Last edited by Billybob-Mario (2011-12-15 12:53:38)
Oops! Sorry about the blimp mistake -- glad it was fixable! But yay! Glad you liked it! (Can I take down the remix?)
UnprovenTheorem wrote:
Oops! Sorry about the blimp mistake -- glad it was fixable! But yay! Glad you liked it! (Can I take down the remix?)
You can. The new graphics-improved version is up now at http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/Billybob-Mario/2215760
P.S. Are you going to do the rest of the graphics? i.e. The weapons and the heart?
Awesome. I can do the rest of the graphics -- not right now, but hopefully soon! (By early next week-ish?)
UnprovenTheorem wrote:
Awesome. I can do the rest of the graphics -- not right now, but hopefully soon! (By early next week-ish?)
Any time is fine.
By the way, I used a feature in UnprovenTheorem's design to make the turrets' health meters, so that means that if someone else tries to make turrets, they need to use health meters.
I'm also going to be using hats+other stuff, so if anyone has a good hat picture can they post that. I also need a blimp jumpsuit (portal-style)