Script zones are invisible objects that you can conveniantly place around the area without having to see them, naturaly you'd have a button to toggle to see active zones, but using Sprites as zones is messy, ESPECIALY when you have a complicated background.
Their are 2 magor problems here.
1. All sprites are what is painted on, if their is no paint then that area is not part of the sprite, which means that if you have a background you have to paint the sprite exactly as the background to make it invisible.
^ if that weant over your head (which it can for some lower class peaple) then it means that after you make the sprite its a nusence to find.
Gondana wrote:
Script zones are invisible objects that you can conveniantly place around the area without having to see them, naturaly you'd have a button to toggle to see active zones, but using Sprites as zones is messy, ESPECIALY when you have a complicated background.
Their are 2 magor problems here.
1. All sprites are what is painted on, if their is no paint then that area is not part of the sprite, which means that if you have a background you have to paint the sprite exactly as the background to make it invisible.
^ if that weant over your head (which it can for some lower class peaple) then it means that after you make the sprite its a nusence to find.
I'm not sure I totally understand what you are proposing. But you may already be able to do it by using the Ghost effect. When you set Ghost effect to 100 on a sprite it becomes invisible but still responds to touches from other sprites.
OK that make 3 out of 3 sugestions that I've made on things that are their I just didn't see.
Maybe I should put my suggestions in help
Althou... Hmm, super high speed sugestion answering, its so fast that by the time you make a suggestion we've already done it...
Gondrinia you are FULL of ideas!! *Kisses Gondrinia on the cheek*
Gondana if you use the ghost feature on looks you can still sense an object, but it will seem invisible. To do this set the ghost effect to 100. You wont be able to see it, but still sense it.