I have many games with bullets as u can see. I have bullet scripts like:
When space pressed
set (variable) to 1
repeat until <touching color black > or <touching edge>
move 10 steps
set (variable) to 0
when flag clicked
if <(variable) = 0
go to player and piont in direction <direction of player>
Now what i need help on: I want the bullet to bounce if touching the edge, BUT then if touching the edge again then don't bounce the second time. then loop when shooting again.
Plz need help plz
hi GameBot! on your bullet you need a variable called bounced?
when space pressed
set (variable) to 0
set (bounced?) to 0
repeat until <touching colour black >or<touching edge
if <bounced? =0>
if on edge bounce
move 10 steps
set bounced? to 1
move 10 steps
set variable to 1
I have a Sprite, which should be a crane arm
And she escapes to me when I move the second Sprite
itamaryaffe wrote:
I have a Sprite, which should be a crane arm
And she escapes to me when I move the second Sprite
This doesn't make any sense.
If you have a question make your own topic as it's a different topic hence the reason to make a different topic and explain clearly so people will understand so people will be able to answer.
how do i get those aniated pics?
FunFanta15 wrote:
how do i get those aniated pics?
1. Don't necropost.
2. If you have a question, make a thread for it, don't ask in an unrelated thread.