Hi, I'm wondering if you know how to make comments. I've looked in the menu bars, but nothing's there. Thanks!
Just scroll down under the project and type in the box under where it says "Add a Comment" and hit "Add" when you're done.
Last edited by gettysburg11 (2011-11-30 18:18:50)
If you mean on a project online, then under the project there'll be a box. Type your comment in it, and then click submit. If you mean a comment in the Scratch program, right-click on an empty area, then select 'Add comment'.
On a project:
You scroll down and there is a box for comments!
Replying: look on a comment closely and on the bottom right there is a reply button. simply click and type in anything and click send!
In the forums:
scroll to the end of the forum topic and there Is a box you can type in and when your done click submit! (new scratchers need to wait 180 seconds. scratchers need to wait 60 seconds to post)
Problem Solved.
(note: DONT type in ANYTHING rude or innapropiate or nasty or anything you wouldn't want anyone to type in or you will get banned or get a warning)
thx everybody!