Hi, I'm new to the program, because my technology teacher introduced it to us as a form of programming. He's teaching at a good rate, but I'd like to get ahead and learn more. I've been playing around with it, and the help option helps alot, but I don,t understand how the list and variables work. I see the inputs, but don't understand how they work. Could someone explain it to me? Thanks
Hey Soulesssleeper, welcome to Scratch!
One of the Scratch Team members (Paddle2See), created a gallery that contains two tutorials to help teach about variables and lists, check it out here.
If you need additional help, you can always ask around in the All About Scratch forum.
Thanks cheddargirl, the helped me with one of my problems, but not another. If anyone could show me how to build and operate a variable and a list, it would help.
Soulesssleeper wrote:
Thanks cheddargirl, the helped me with one of my problems, but not another. If anyone could show me how to build and operate a variable and a list, it would help.
Would you like me to make a tutorial for you?
I would be happy to if you would like.
JJROCKER Thanks this could really help explain the logic to me. If you can, make it, them put a link here.
I can try to help you here, without having to go any further. A variable, is sort of like a way of keeping information. For an example, it could be used to keep a players score, to keep track of time, or to keep track of a players money. There are many other more complex things though as well. A variable can be changed by using the script:
When flag clicked
Set variable (Variable name) to (What to change the variable to)
A variable can also be added to, taken away from, multiplied, or divided, as long as it's a number. This will include using the appropriate block, in the "Numbers" Category, for multiplying, and dividing. Adding and subtracting isn't as hard. Look at the script below, to see how to add.
<when green flag clicked>
<change{ Variable Name }by( Amount to Add
Subtracting is the same, but you put a - sign in front of the amount. For an example:
<when green flag clicked>
<change{ Amount of Money }by( -10
What this will do, is subtract 10 from the variable called: Amount of Money
Also remember, that you may name variables what ever you want.
Lists are kind of the same as variables, but can hold more info. You can have a list of items a user has, or a story, or instructions for an example. They work a lot like variables.
If you have any questions about lists, or variables, feel free to ask, and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.
456bingo123, Thanks for clearing that up for me, so if you can do it like that, then could operators also be used cooperatively with variables?
Soulesssleeper wrote:
456bingo123, Thanks for clearing that up for me, so if you can do it like that, then could operators also be used cooperatively with variables?
Yes. You can use operators to multiply and divide. (If I remember what operators are. I haven't used scratch for a while. Just been posting on the forums )