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RAINBOW COLOR9 moonslots of bowl like structures near the poles no idea what NX-01 is loland scouts.lots of scouts.RED scoutBLU scout1 scout2 scoutetc.
Wickimen wrote:muppetds wrote:ProgrammingFreak wrote:Wow. Never expected to see the day where Paddle was sarcastic. D:+1I think it was more joking around than sarcasmThere's a difference
muppetds wrote:ProgrammingFreak wrote:Wow. Never expected to see the day where Paddle was sarcastic. D:+1
ProgrammingFreak wrote:Wow. Never expected to see the day where Paddle was sarcastic. D:
Wow. Never expected to see the day where Paddle was sarcastic. D:
I think it was more joking around than sarcasmThere's a difference