Hello! I was working very hard on this project and when I tried to upload it it said, "File unable to upload file too big". I was wondering if you could increase the size for bigger projects ?
We also make big games. The current upload limit is only 10MB.
I wike pie and Graham, for the Tech Club members, I may be able to put something on my web site. Next year, we may be able to put stuff on the school web site.
What do you think the file size limit should be? Remember that some people still use dial-up connections like AOL and others.
I find 10Mbyte to be a rather generous limit, but I usually do short sound clips or MIDI music, not long recordings. I also tend not to use a lot of backgrounds, so my biggest game is only 1.4Mbytes (the Mastermind game), which has 2 detailed backgrounds.
I could probably reduce the size of it also, by using a small coverup sprite instead of a full background when revealing the correct answer.
I think the size should be at least 20Mbytes.
Andre, I think you should be able to choose,
like a little thing that says
If you use Dialup
Highspeed , etc
And on-top of the project it should say "Recommeneded for Highspeed or dialup.