Hey xykon, there isn't a restriction on which bands are or are not allowed on the Scratch site, but any music with inappropriate language isn't allowed on the Scratch site at all - we want to keep the site friendly and open for all ages and backgrounds. ^^
if you want to use music that has bad words in it, try to find a cleaned-up [radio] version of the song, or you can use a music editing program (like Audacity) to clean up the music yourself if a cleaned-up version isn't found elsewhere.
so the only restriction is cursing? please excuse this, but is something like this allowed?
music for a band i want to put in my project
there is no "bad language"is this video, but i am not responsible for any comments on the video.
xykon wrote:
so the only restriction is cursing? please excuse this, but is something like this allowed?
music for a band i want to put in my project
there is no "bad language"is this video, but i am not responsible for any comments on the video.
The comments won't matter if you post it on the forums, because YouTube links are automatically converted to YouTube Repeat, which takes away the comments.
xykon wrote:
so, by what cheddergirl said, I could play "clean" Slipknot songs?
Yeah, as long as it's the clean version, everything should be fine.
cheddargirl wrote:
if you want to use music that has bad words in it, try to find a cleaned-up [radio]version of the song, or you can use a music editing program (like Audacity) to clean up the music yourself if a cleaned-up version isn't found elsewhere.
I used to make a lot of clean versions.