Welcome to the website! Are you looking for project ideas? Or training resources? Or both?
I guess my advice would be to look for projects that interest you and get to know the creators of those projects...and if you feel so inclined, make something of your own!
Yea, that's sorta what happened to me. i was working on some project berfore i actually went on the website. Anyway, Welcome to the Scratch Community!
DR4G0N wrote:
I've just started using this website but I've used scratch for a few months, I wondered if any other people had a advice on what to do first?
A great place to start is by looking at other people's projects for inspiration and posting questions here on the forums - there are many experienced users who are active on the forums - you're in good hands!
Yea don't worry, just look around scratch for some ideas for your projects, a great place to start is the show and tell section! (here!)