xosmallfryox wrote:
hey guys..
i'm makeing a dress up game!!!
its its going to be really cute im just stuck on one thing
how do you make it so u can "click" "drag" and "drop" something, because i want to do that with the clothes.. especially with some accessories like sunglasses uo might want to put them on the cute little guys eyes or up on its head like some girls do.!
Just put
if mouse down follow mouse pointer.
vali wrote:
how do i make my sprite move like right or left up or down when i press thous arrow
<when[up]key pressed>
<change y by(distance)>
<stop script>
<when[down]key pressed>
<change y by(-distance)>
<stop script>
<when[left]key pressed>
<change x by(-distance)>
<stop script>
<when[right]key pressed>
<change x by(distance)>
<stop script>
this is how you can make your character jump [blocks] <when green flag clicked><key[ up arrow ]pressed?><if><forever><set{ y velocity }to( 13<touching color[color of ground <if><set{ y velocity }to( 1<set y to( <{ y velocity }> [/blocks]
katiel wrote:
I'm new to scratch and I can't figure out how to create a project, or even where to go to create one.
Download Scratch, and mess around with the blocks.
Slasher67 wrote:
How do u make stuff shoot objects at other things, and then get the target to blow up???
For the gun sprite For the object that's being shot sprite
<when[gun]clicked> <when I receive [fire]>
<broadcast[fire] <glide (1) second to x(200) and y (-100)
<If touching[Target]
<broadcast [explode]>
For the target sprite:
<When I receive [explode]>
<next costume
Btw, the next costume of your target sprite would probably be a costume that looked like your target exploded
Good read, thanks for digging it back up. All the help is appreciated, I keep hitting lots of brick walls with my game.
forever if < < (i) = (not get it) > > see (explanation) end
put blocks inside of [scratchblocks*] with out the * and [/scratchblocks]
when gf clicked repeat until <touching color [#000000]?> change y by (scrollX) // end think [Scripts in your posts!] for (3) secs
Last edited by PencilFactory (2012-04-20 11:00:00)
123cool8 wrote:
how do you make a platform game with the gravity?
I think changing the value, and delocity would help
Atmospheric wrote:
123cool8 wrote:
how do you make a platform game with the gravity?
I think changing the value, and velocity would help
Here's a link on how to do it.