...what do the [blocks]http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/post.php?fid=31#req_messagehttp://scratch.mit.edu/forums/post.php?fid=31#req_messagehttp://scratch.mit.edu/forums/post.php?fid=31#req_message[/blocks] (and other pen things) and "variables" do???
They add blocks to your post, like this:
<when green flag clicked>
<move( 10 )steps>
<say[ This is an example script ]for( 3 )secs>
<if><( <{ Status }> <=> Scratcher )>
<go to[ imagehosting site
<play sound[ uploading image
Most people prefer to host nice script images, especially since we're missing 34 blocks!
Last edited by scimonster (2011-10-04 16:52:16)
.... thanks for that (that would be why those didn't show up ) but what about on the actual scratch program???? i don't know what they do so i don't use them.... but i don't know if they're useful or not
wow, when is this from? shadowwhisper, I think youve definently improved a lot