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#101 2009-07-13 01:32:12

Registered: 2009-05-27
Posts: 1000+

Re: ITopic: Scratch Secrets

ctrl+prnt Scrn takes a screen shot on WIndows
Shift+comand+3 takes a screen shot on Mac

You can crop them with any pictue editor



#102 2009-07-15 17:56:19

Registered: 2009-02-05
Posts: 16

Re: ITopic: Scratch Secrets

i think the new virsion should be 1.5  and here's a new secret i have crush on my boyfriend and i'm going to marry him in real life please don't report this message any way i like scratch i think soon i'll be a moderator and i hope you be one too i don't have many posts but i think scratch is very educationall



#103 2009-07-17 17:51:37

Registered: 2008-01-03
Posts: 500+

Re: ITopic: Scratch Secrets

manveer wrote:

how do u copy a sprite on to another program like paint?
ugh, scratch is soooooooooo confusing!

Oh, you just export the costume, and open it in paint!

"I'd love to change the world, but they haven't released the source code yet."
Check out the latest version of Streak -->



#104 2009-07-17 17:56:00

Registered: 2008-01-03
Posts: 500+

Re: ITopic: Scratch Secrets

Rukqo wrote:

There are some fun ones too.
©®℗� ™◊� ▲▼◆� ◗☛☚☞☜� ☟✌� ♡♧♤♦♥♣� ☹☻☺♢☼☀� ☂☃☄� ✂✃✖✕✔✓✒✑� � ✎✄
That is about 1/3 of what I can do. On a Mac, show character palette and start clicking. On windows, copy them from here.

I am thinking of a special character block for streak... would that be useful?

"I'd love to change the world, but they haven't released the source code yet."
Check out the latest version of Streak -->



#105 2009-07-17 19:21:59

Registered: 2008-01-03
Posts: 500+

Re: ITopic: Scratch Secrets

karx wrote:

Cool I never relised there was so many shortcuts

First thing, it should be 'were,' not 'was.'
Also, there are more!
See the reference guide!

"I'd love to change the world, but they haven't released the source code yet."
Check out the latest version of Streak -->



#106 2009-07-19 13:58:04

Registered: 2009-06-13
Posts: 49

Re: ITopic: Scratch Secrets

ggsslord wrote:

IS THERE A WAY TO Make our games and such portable. that is to be able to be played on any computer without having to install scratch?

Yes. You can make it into an .exe file, however, you cannot hide the scripts. Go to this forum post: ----------The many faces of Windows! -----------------



#107 2009-07-27 20:59:53

Registered: 2008-01-03
Posts: 500+

Re: ITopic: Scratch Secrets

Another: to automatically press the green flag, make a broadcast for 'scratch-startclicked'.

"I'd love to change the world, but they haven't released the source code yet."
Check out the latest version of Streak -->



#108 2009-08-20 07:07:06

Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 15

Re: ITopic: Scratch Secrets

You can also make an action script using shift+file and then press make project summary:)



#109 2009-08-31 21:25:59

Registered: 2009-04-14
Posts: 500+

Re: ITopic: Scratch Secrets

I like forums they are fun and cool and tell you interesting stuff!
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#110 2009-10-25 17:45:19

Registered: 2009-07-02
Posts: 100+

Re: ITopic: Scratch Secrets

kakaxolotl wrote:

How do I make an animated GIF move? Everytime I import a GIF it dosen't move. Is it impossible to make it move? If so how? Am I asking too many questions?  roll

When you import a gif file, it adds every frame to the costumes or backrounds of the current sprite/stage that's selected. To make it move you can just put a next costume/backround block in a forever block.

The glass is never half full nor half empty; it is twice as large as it needs to be.



#111 2009-10-26 00:11:52

Registered: 2009-05-23
Posts: 500+

Re: ITopic: Scratch Secrets

dombo sig below



#112 2009-11-13 21:57:03

Registered: 2009-07-26
Posts: 500+

Re: ITopic: Scratch Secrets

I have one too! If you click the little lock picture next to the sprite's picture it becomes draggable on the website and in presentation mode.



#113 2009-11-14 10:11:48

Registered: 2009-04-14
Posts: 500+

Re: ITopic: Scratch Secrets

                  View my latest project



#114 2009-11-15 09:39:47

Registered: 2009-06-12
Posts: 1000+

Re: ITopic: Scratch Secrets

enri16 wrote:

Can you write the list in spanish?

Aquí es una lista de sugerencias y accesos directos desde el equipo de programación de memoria virtual.

* Encontrar un sprite: mostrar un sprite que está fuera de la pantalla o oculto, Mayús + clic en su miniatura en la lista de sprite (derecho-esquina inferior de pantalla)-esto se aportan el sprite a la mitad y mostrarla.
-Para activar un disfraz en un sprite independiente, haga clic con el botón derecho (Mac Ctrl + clic) y seleccione "se convierten en un sprite".
-Arrastre la línea azul en la miniatura de sprite (en el medio de la pantalla) para girar el sprite.
-Para rotar un sprite desde la etapa, Mayús + clic en el sprite.
-Acceso directo a obtener un sprite a "en dirección 90": haga doble clic en miniatura de sprite en el centro superior de la pantalla.
-Para eliminar un sprite, utilice la herramienta Tijeras (o haga clic con el botón derecho del ratón y elija "Borrar")
-Para eliminar varios sprites, Mayús + clic en con las tijeras (no volver a la flecha)
-Para realizar copias múltiples de un sprite, Mayús + clic con la herramienta de copia (no volver a la flecha)
-Arrastra para reordenar las miniaturas en la lista de sprite (esquina inferior derecha de pantalla)
-Arrastra para reordenar los trajes en el área de ficha de vestuario
-Para hacer un sprite que luce como parte del fondo, haga clic (Mac Ctrl + clic) la etapa para tomar una parte de la imagen en el escenario.

-Para copiar una pila de bloques de uno sprite a otro, arrastre la pila a la miniatura del otro sprite (en la esquina inferior derecha de la pantalla).
-Para limpiar el área de secuencia de comandos, haga clic con el botón derecho (Mac Ctrl + clic) en el área de secuencias de comandos.
-Obtener ayuda para cualquier bloque: haga clic con el botón secundario del mouse (Mac Ctrl + clic) en el bloque
-Puede ajustar algunos bloques dentro de otros bloques. Por ejemplo, puede poner cualquier número o detección de bloques con bordes curvados dentro de un bloque de "cambiar a disfraz" o cualquier bloque que tiene un área blanca número o el texto.
¿-Quiero obtener el actual x-y de un sprite? Haga clic en la categoría de movimiento para la actualización de los números de x-y en los bloques de planeo y vaya-a en la paleta.

-Para recortar una imagen, resumir con la herramienta Selección, a continuación, Mayús + Eliminar (o Mayús + Retroceso)
-Para girar parte de un disfraz, utilice la herramienta de selección y, a continuación, haga clic en el botón Rotar izquierdo o derecho (flechas curvos).
-Para girar más precisamente: Mayús + clic en el botón Rotar izquierdo o derecho. Se le permite especificar un número de grados para girar
-Crecer o achicarse más precisamente: Mayús + clic en el botón de aumentar o reducir (flechas apunta como en). Se le permite especificar un tamaño % para un disfraz
-Para erradicar varias veces, pulse la tecla Mayús mientras utiliza la herramienta Tampón.
-Pulse la tecla Mayús con la herramienta rectángulo para hacer un cuadrado.
-Con la herramienta Óvalo para hacer un círculo, mantenga pulsada la tecla Mayús.
-Pulse la tecla Mayús con la herramienta de línea para hacer una línea recta horizontal o vertical.
-Pulse la tecla Mayús al hacer clic en un cuadrado de color para cambiar el color de otro.
-Para seleccionar un color desde fuera el editor de pintura, seleccione la herramienta Cuentagotas, haga clic en el editor de pintura y, a continuación, arrastre mientras mantiene presionada la tecla del ratón.

-Comprobación cuadros para mostrar los monitores en el escenario
-Haga clic en un monitor para alternar entre las opciones (nombre de monitor de ocultar, Mostrar regulador)

Métodos abreviados de teclado (algunos de ellos son se repite con más arriba)
-Haga clic para eliminar varios sprites, Mayús + en con la herramienta Tijeras (no volver a la flecha).
-Para realizar copias múltiples de un sprite, Mayús y haga clic con la herramienta de copia (no volver a la flecha).
-Ctrl + S para guardar el proyecto.

OTROS - Se pueden arrastrar varias imágenes a la vez en la memoria virtual. Se convertirán en trajes dentro de un sprite.
-Puede arrastrar en un formato gif animado.
-Puede arrastrar en imágenes desde un navegador web, Word y otros programas (en Windows).
-Puede arrastrar en un proyecto de Scratch desde una carpeta de archivos.

Retired from Scratch, but just the language itself. Not the forums.



#115 2009-12-03 20:58:51

Registered: 2009-11-21
Posts: 39

Re: ITopic: Scratch Secrets

Wow Nice! You made a sample project for names,right?

This is the most HELPFUL information i have found on the scratch forum!This will save me countless time in my new scrolling game!I might even credit you!




#116 2009-12-19 11:36:11

Registered: 2009-07-02
Posts: 100+

Re: ITopic: Scratch Secrets

Another lesser-known tip:
Shift-click on the 'R' in the Scratch logo to get a special developer's menu.

The glass is never half full nor half empty; it is twice as large as it needs to be.



#117 2009-12-26 09:46:15

Registered: 2009-03-01
Posts: 1000+

Re: ITopic: Scratch Secrets

Drag a sprite into the blocks palette to delete it.



#118 2010-01-01 17:58:52

Registered: 2009-12-27
Posts: 92

Re: ITopic: Scratch Secrets

Shift Click On Block Area Then Save Picture Of Blocks
Hope I Helped  wink

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________-ha more than 2 lines



#119 2010-01-26 09:26:34

Registered: 2009-11-19
Posts: 18

Re: ITopic: Scratch Secrets

How do you import many costumes at once in a sprite. someone please reply. i am working in a project in  which i need to bring many costumes but it takes a whole lot of time.



#120 2010-01-26 09:53:07

Registered: 2009-11-19
Posts: 18

Re: ITopic: Scratch Secrets

how can i drag multiple images at once into Scratch. please help me. I am in a project's work. And i need to add costumes at a sprite.



#121 2010-01-26 09:55:55

Registered: 2009-11-19
Posts: 18

Re: ITopic: Scratch Secrets

How do you import many costumes at once in a sprite. someone please reply. i am working in a project in  which i need to bring many costumes but it takes a whole lot of time.



#122 2010-02-07 15:33:22

Registered: 2009-04-29
Posts: 41

Re: ITopic: Scratch Secrets

Wow! this was really helpful!



#123 2010-02-13 09:31:17

Registered: 2009-09-20
Posts: 44

Re: ITopic: Scratch Secrets

I downloaded a car driving game once, and I opened the track sprite. This project didn't use scrolling at all, but it looked like it. The sprite was big, it was as zoomed out as it could be and it could be scrolled. How do you get a sprite on Paint Editor that's as far zoomed out as it can but still bigger and all visible by scrolling around the drawing page?

BRIEF NEWS: I am back from holiday! Now all of the Request Shops etc are open for business! The weekly newspaper shall come out tomorrow. Sorry it was a bit late, it's because I ended up having an extra 3 days of holiday!  smile



#124 2010-02-13 10:23:38

Registered: 2009-05-31
Posts: 1000+

Re: ITopic: Scratch Secrets

HumanLight wrote:

I downloaded a car driving game once, and I opened the track sprite. This project didn't use scrolling at all, but it looked like it. The sprite was big, it was as zoomed out as it could be and it could be scrolled. How do you get a sprite on Paint Editor that's as far zoomed out as it can but still bigger and all visible by scrolling around the drawing page?

It's a glitch. Just type in a load of massive sized text.
Then press "ok"
After that, edit the massive text costume and remove the text (and draw what you want) Add grob to your sig and help with world dominiation!                                                             Hey guys, we're seriously naming our team bob?



#125 2010-02-13 16:23:20

Registered: 2009-09-20
Posts: 44

Re: ITopic: Scratch Secrets

thanks  smile  but there one annoying problemo, th text only makes the screen go bigger downwards, not sidewards, I moved the text as far to the right side as I could but it didn't work.

BRIEF NEWS: I am back from holiday! Now all of the Request Shops etc are open for business! The weekly newspaper shall come out tomorrow. Sorry it was a bit late, it's because I ended up having an extra 3 days of holiday!  smile



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