What do YOU think will be in the next version of scratch? Post your predictions down and a reason why you think that.
Example: I think you will be able to use the pen on sprites because many people have suggested it and it would have a wide variety of uses in games.
The comment block because they said so and Arrays because people have been complaining about them
Bluestribute wrote:
The comment block because they said so and Arrays because people have been complaining about them
I need both badly!
a sprite that goes over only a certain group of sprite because that would help with making my 2 player scroller
Im hoping no blocks are lost. last time at least one was to keep things simpler. trig was a great improvement last time but of the things people have been asking for most, like arrays and dynamic sprite creation i am not expecting either.
I would love a block that lets you clear one sprites pen and a stop sprite command.