roijac wrote:
do you mean like the button in your signature?
then you probably have to ask the one who did it
They wouldn't be able to, unless rum (now rookwood) hacked into Scratch and integrated it. He'd need to know how to integrate it, and he'd have to integrate it-Knowing how could be done, but it'd be harder, as he doesn't know exactly how the pages are done, and integrating it could only be done hacking into it.
Scratch would need to do it.
I don't really support-I'm sure Scratchers would say "LOLZ I HAZ MOAR LIKEZ", snobbing other people.
No, I mean, insted of when like clicked changing the like by 1/-1 and redirecting it to the forum page, redirect it to the userpage of the person.
hi i think there should be a user like buttton on every profile page or maybe even a subscribe button.