Sorry for spam, but i have the potential to make a great game but i need help!
I'm working on a mario game, and If you test out the game for yourself, you'll see that you can't get ahold of the red mushroom that comes out of the box. I tried so hard to fix this and I just do not know how. Pease can anyone help me??? It would be much appreciated. I not only want to be able to grab the mushroom, but to make it move seamlessy with the scrolling template (as mario is walking). Thanks!
here's the project:
this belongs in all about scratch. ill move it for you.
I see you're problem. You should create two new variables (for the mushroom specifically) , named maybe ScrollXPosition. Whenever you want to change its x position, instead change ScrollXPosition.
So where you put "change x position by (x)" you would put "change ScrollXPosition by (x)"
Now make a script like this:
When Green Flag Clicked
Set X Position to (xscroll + ScrollXPosition)
And then it should be fixed!
Note: You'll also have to set ScrollXPosition to 175 when the green flag is clicked to place it correctly over the box.
Last edited by Kileymeister (2011-09-05 14:23:46)