I'm a mom using Scratch with my 9 year old son, as a way of introducing programming. I have some very minor programming experience (Perl and VB), but I've learned it all on the fly, and haven't had a formal class.
My son has picked up the basics pretty quickly, and with some help from me, has programmed some simple games. He's well beyond the scratch cards on this site. I'd like to give him some ideas for projects as sort of an assignment - otherwise he tends to just want to play other people's games. Ideally, these project ideas would make sure that the basic ideas of programming were covered, but that's where my inexperience comes in.
Does anyone else have some ideas of project ideas, perhaps in order of difficulty, and each with an emphasis of a certain concept? I don't really know if there's any kind of natural sequence to learning programming, or if it doesn't really matter.
I'm not looking for finished projects, really, just the ideas.
Thanks in advance,
I like to give a "Name" project as an early assignment in scratch.
The Names Gallery
has about 28 examples of this sort of project, with widely varying complexity (perhaps the most complex is one that my son and I did, the "Karplus" name project
If he is more into games than animation, have him try to write a tic-tac-toe game or some other very simple game.
Heres a few project ideas for your son in different difficulties.
{Involves basic programming such as using pen tool}
Name bouncer-Has the letters of a name and bounces when clicked and make a line
Drawing tool- Make a drawing tool that allows you to draw in several colours
mouse avoider game- Make a maze for the mouse cursor and make it to the finish without the cursor touching any boundaries
{focuses on sprite interaction more and uses some variables and preferable keeps score}
basket catching game-make random objects drop in random places with a random speeds and moves downward to a basket that is used to catch the objects also keeps score.
sprite adventure game- make a sprite that is controlled using a keyboard and make him go on an adventure and the game must have: enemies,ways to lose, and an objective
interactive drawing game- make a drawing game and have sprites that can move react with colours that are drawn by the user.
{involves more complicated programming with many sprites and many variables}
Platform game- similar to super mario this game must have: gravity which may or may not include acceleration, but must have gravity, platforms that a sprite can stand on, deathtraps,enemies,different rooms, and an objective
Shooter game-make a sprite that can shoot objects at enemies to score points. Whatever the bullet sprite is it must return to the player after being shot so that the player can shoot multiple times, this preferable has a script to increase difficulty. This can be integrated with a platform game
Role Playing Game- Probably the most complex of all in this game a player must defeat monsters using a battle system that involves at least: Attack Points, defense Points, Health Points, Magic Points, and preferably gold or money, experience and levels and any other things that can go into the formula of taking damage. This can or can not be turn based and game play involves the player adventuring and attacking monsters and the monsters take damage based on the battle formula that has attack points defense points ect.
If you are confused about any of the following projects feel free to tell me and I'll try to help.
Last edited by archmage (2007-06-24 19:15:47)
I also suggest turning his passion for games into possibilities for explorations.
For example, you could show him how to download and open the code of one of his favourite scratch games. Then ask him if he thinks the game could be improved, and if he's so inclined, help him with that improvement (although I advise him that he first try a few small changes). He could also try and learn how a certain game was coded. By doing he would learn a lot on programming tricks for scratch, and possibly give him ideas for a future project (for the perfect game as your son envisages!).
Have fun!
P.S. - I don't have kids, so take this advice as you wish
Last edited by HoboPrimate (2007-06-25 03:21:30)
I see a few people who may be more experienced than me but how do you get a scratch project on a CD. I have a friend that doesn't have the Scratch program and I made a project for him. How do I make it so he can view the project without downloading Scratch?
He'll need either Scratch or java. Perhaps the easiest way to make a CD of a scratch game is to set up the files like a web page (for which instructions have been posted), but put the project.html (or project.php) file, Scratch.jar, and projects.sb files onto a CD-ROM instead of a web server. Opening the project.html file with a browser would be like running one of the projects on the MIT web site.
What a great list of project ideas!
I am curious about the part of the question asked concerning programming techniques. I have even less background in progamming than magdiego, but as we explore our way through things it would be good to be able to make connections to what happens in other languages.
From the angle of teaching things which could apply in other programs, could people make some suggestions about the sorts of logic, methods or sections of code would be good for us to know? Or, can someone suggest a link somewhere to a list of basic concepts that apply to programming in general?
Last edited by room209 (2007-07-02 08:33:25)
Never underestimate the power of Googling. I sort of found an answer to my question:
It would be nice to have something more kid-friendly, if anyone has a suggestion.
Just an update---the Names Gallery at http://scratch.mit.edu/galleries/view/293 now has 160 projects, not just 28. If you assign a "name animation" project, please have your students add their projects to the gallery!
Great Ideas. I made and documented a simple game for my son (and the school computer club) in the hope that they will take the game and substitute their own characters. The game is called Fish! and has full documentation to help a trainer help a novice to build from scratch.
Stamati Crook
Well, I have an idea.
What I have done for several of my projects (see Candy Factory and Cupcake Maker) is to use one idea, and turn it into a series of several projects.
For example: Aliens
Alien Creator
Alien Scroller Game
Alien Pet Game (taking care of an alien until it evolves or something like that)
Invader Game
Main Ideas:
Spence wrote:
I see a few people who may be more experienced than me but how do you get a scratch project on a CD. I have a friend that doesn't have the Scratch program and I made a project for him. How do I make it so he can view the project without downloading Scratch?
You can download JSO's excellent program DiscScratchR. ^^
Try making a game with mainly variables, or sensing blocks. that way it gets SOOO much easier to understand using blocks to the limit!
since he's nine years old. try doing something he enjoys like mabey pokemon, spongebob, disney game or video. scratch on!