I just made a mainly vehicle oriented Halo 3 Game. Its still in beta stages, but a great demo. I had it online a few hours ago, but I recently added almost double gameplay and a lot of new enemies. You basically man a turret, and drive your warthog/ghost as masterchief. It is your assignment to destroy all enemy ships, and anything thats stopping you.
But... I need everyone help. if anyone can manage a way to make a health sysyem for masterchief, and all vehicles he gets in, and then make the enemies shoot/attack you in some way, I owuld be especcially grateful. I think the engine I use for this game has a lot of capabilities, and added features will make it a GREAT game.
So, check it here: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/newareagle/210215
If someone can play it, and then help me fix it I would be extremely grateful. Thanks for looking