Can you expain what you need help with? I might be able to help in the next 10 mins, but the computer I'm on doesn't have scratch. Or flash.
To add them together:
Set Total to Number of burgers+no. of coke+no. of dessert+no. of fries
<set{ total }to( (( <{ number of burgers }> <+>(( <{ number of coke }> <+>(( <{ number of dessert }> <+> <{ number of fries }> )) )) ))
Last edited by ellscharstark (2011-08-25 11:15:20)
thanxs for the help ellschardtark (it helped alot ur codes, got me to understand varibles)
can u guys help me another problem:
I need help to order items over 10
right now
If I want to order 16 burgers
I have to order 9 x burger than I have to order 7 x burger
Isn't there a way to make the secondvar to 2-3 digits?
here the upgrade version
This may sound like I'm advertising my own project, but my project has relevance to your question. Click on my name, look for the calculator project, and download it. The rest... well, you choose.
happyg01 wrote:
is it real calculator project?
thanxs technomaniacs
but is there a way to use the numbered button to enter in the answer when it asks you? so instead of typing ur number you click on the button number.
here version 2
happyg01 wrote:
thanxs for every1 help just figured it out.
Do you want this closed now, so other people can't post here anymore?
happyg01 wrote:
Yes do I need 2 close it?
To close it, report it asking a mod to close it.