Might be for "Scratch Blocks"?
or maybe "Scratch Basic" (like dark basic, or visual basic, etc)
wait, found it: it might stand for Raw Signed Byte Data. Here's a page about it:
Last edited by AtomicBawm3 (2011-08-21 13:58:12)
liupengty wrote:
thanks everybody,
but I hope an answer is exact,
So I emailed Karen Brennan Consult about this question,
He has not yet replied to my question.
Who's that?
You should probably just ask Paddle2See or Andresmh in comments...
yeagh who is that?
Karen is a PhD student in the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT Media Lab. Her primary research interest is the development of technologies to support communities of practice, particularly the case of supporting educators working with Scratch. She is also interested in curriculum development, computer science education and gender equity.
She came to the Media Lab in August 2007, after having explored music, computer science, mathematics, and education in post-secondary studies. She has a BSc in computer science and mathematics, a BEd in the same areas, and an MA in curriculum studies - all from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada.
Oh, karenb. I knew her username, not her real name
And , her life seems pretty interesting.
Karenb 's answer :
>Hmmm, I asked our advisor Mitchel Resnick about it -- and he wrote to me:
>We selected ".sb" for "Scratch Blocks"
>(Originally, we wanted the extension "scr" but that was already taken.)
Thank Mitchel Resnick , Karenb ,Andres Monroy-Hernandez, very much!!!
It's offical now!
http://twitter.com/#!/scratchteam/statu … 1181613056
Thank Andres Monroy-Hernandez again!!!
Last edited by liupengty (2011-08-23 02:02:59)
If you are Scared of Twitter, and looked on Facebook, it says:
Scratch’s Facebook Page wrote:
Scratch Trivia of the day: we tried using .scr for the file extension but it was "taken" so we settled for "sb" for Scratch blocks. The more you know!
So SB means Scratch Blocks.