I'm finally making some good artwork for my games ever since I learned how to use the Gimp! anyway first you need to download the gimp, next make the text of your logo, preferably with one color in the center and another on the outside of the text, next take your smudge tool and go all around it doing one stroke in a wave formation and repeat until all around your letters, leave small gaps in between each stroke to make the pattern come out better, next take the blur tool, set the opacity and rate to 100, go all around you text until it is as blurred out as possible, then take the smudge tool again and go all around your text in single strokes WITHOUT any gaps, fill it up completely, you should have your text sort of looking like a tornado now, finally to finish it off take the blur tool again, but this time with the opacity at 40 or less (opacity controls how much blur) if you don't like the colors restart the whole thing and change colors, have fun!
my new avatar and logo use this technique and I made D D into a red and black tornado!
if you don't like this try playing around with the smudge and blur tools!
You can also use GIMP to make animated .gif's
I prefer making all my avatars in flash
Gimp seems like a good imaging tool to use for avatars as well but I am too used to using flash