Hello Scratchers,
The organization I work for, Vision Ed, is holding an Educational Technology Retreat in New York City this summer, July 31st - Aug 3rd.
This retreat is a four-day intensive workshop aimed at empowering teachers, parents and administrators to effectively integrate creative technology into their classrooms. With hands-on workshops in Robotics, Computer Animation, Game Design, Digital Video and Blogging, participants will walk away with the resources needed to start or continue a technology program at their schools or organizations.
The retreat will take place at New York University's Kimmel Center.
From this retreat, you will:
* Learn about cutting edge research in the field of Educational Technology.
* View and try out exciting project ideas used successfully by veteran teachers.
* Engage in hands-on activities led by professionals in the field of Educational Technologies.
* Take away lesson plans and curriculum materials to use in your classrooms.
* Participate in discussions with people who face similar challenges, such as administrative support for new initiatives, faculty involvement in technology and learning how to make it all work.
* Access to new learning tools, including ones that are free and easy to implement within schools.
Special guest Mitchel Resnick, Director of the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT Media Lab, will be giving hands-on workshops in two of his new projects: PicoCricket and Scratch.
The cost of the retreat is $1895, but we are offering special rates, so please call and ask for Tali Padan - 212-245-0444
To find out more, go to www.vemny.org/stonington.html
and register here: http://www.vemny.org/stonington_reg.html
Vision Ed. believes that effective work with technology can have an enormous impact on learning and teaching. Our mission is to share this understanding with educators and learners to inspire educational excellence and school reform.