everyone is talking about test accounts i just want to know what they are used for?? and if i should get on... some one help me out
kimmy123 wrote:
They are used for uploading test projects on itself so the original account doesn't get cluttered.
^ This.
You might want to get one if you have tests of projects, demos of projects, or projects filling someone's request from the Requests forums that you don't want on your main account.
luigiman64 wrote:
ok so is it ideal to get one or not???
It really just depends on if you care about having that extra stuff on your account or not. If you do, and you just want to have your best projects on your main account, then sure, get a test account. If you don't care, you can just leave things the way they are.
Another reason to get one is if you want a bit of privacy; you'll probably have a gang of users who like to view your projects, and if you don't want that attention yet a test account is ideal.
i now have a test account thanks for all the advice and infomtion you gave me
Chrischb wrote:
Another reason to get one is if you want a bit of privacy; you'll probably have a gang of users who like to view your projects, and if you don't want that attention yet a test account is ideal.
This is one of the main reasons I have one.