Scrolling is something people use in games it make it so when a character moves it automatically moves to the next screen( if you don't get what I'm saying it's an example project. Scrollx is the variable most people use to make a scrolling game
Go to the example game ScrollingDemo
No. It's named Scrollingdemo
ScrollX refers to scrolling horizontally, or on the x-axis, hence the name ScrollX.
It is basically the name given to the variable (not that the name matters) which is used to make scrolling games.
scrollX is a variable that helps create scrolling, it is the most popular method:
<{ scrollX }>
This helps things scroll. Scrolling is when the background moves (used in Super Mario Bros, Sonic type games) where you can go along through different backgrounds. However, the background is a sprite, LOTS of different sprites, called terrains. Type in scrolling in the search box and see if you can find the script. If not, post it on this forum and I will write it for you.
You can download my project and check it out