I have created a gallery to show those new at scratch how to do things that everybody asks when there new like "How do i jump"or"How do i use a Score variable" etc.
Please post your tutorials if (any) in this gallery to help those new to scratch. I know i definitely could have used this when i was new! Link: http://scratch.mit.edu/galleries/view/22696 Thanks everybody!
Yeah, use some (or all) from here. I used my tutorial_maker account
Thanks! Their great! I actually learned a few things from them! I put them all in except for basic movement because I covered that.
AlanProjects wrote:
I have created a gallery to show those new at scratch how to do things that everybody asks when there new like "How do i jump"or"How do i use a Score variable" etc.
Please post your tutorials if (any) in this gallery to help those new to scratch. I know i definitely could have used this when i was new! Link: http://scratch.mit.edu/galleries/view/22696 Thanks everybody!
feel free to use this http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/deatheater/178685
I did. Really good too.
Great! I added a link to this gallery to the other thread where I'm trying to get a list of all tutorials and demos...