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#1 2011-06-17 16:37:45

Registered: 2010-08-04
Posts: 500+

Forum Suggestions! :D

Ok, first things first. I've seen a lot of stuff done well, but there ARE some things that could be improved. First off, I think there should be some way to tell when a topic is posted. Example "1 minute ago" or "6-17-11 4:38" this could help prevent necroposting, which a lot of people seem to dislike. Next is a rating system. I think that there should be a "Like It" button, sorta similar to the "<3 Love It" button on projects. This could be used to show people you agree with them, rather than quoting them saying "+1" in a separate comment, to prevent clogging up the forum. Lastly, there should be a "Subscribe" next to someone's name. This way, you could subscribe to them, and whenever that person posts a topic on the Forums, you would receive a message that links to the topic. Then you could see what your friends are up to on the Forums.

I'm glad you took the time to read this, and I look forward to your responses! (Please note I am classified as a "New Scratcher" on the Forums, so due to the max number of posts thing, it might take a while for me to respond! Thank You!)



#2 2011-06-17 16:44:51

Registered: 2010-08-04
Posts: 500+

Re: Forum Suggestions! :D


Trekkie210 wrote:

First off, I think there should be some way to tell when a topic is posted.

This should read "First off, I think there should be some way to tell when a COMMENT is posted."



#3 2011-06-17 18:21:21

Community Moderator
Registered: 2009-10-11
Posts: 1000+

Re: Forum Suggestions! :D

You can see the time someone posted a reply to your topic right above their username in the post, so your first idea is already implemented. (The main cause of necroposts is just people not bothering to check the date, or ignoring it altogether.)

The idea of being able to "+1" or "like" a forum post is a good idea in some ways, but I think it could also lead to strife and competition in the community. It could lead to people begging for likes or arguing about it, similar to the post count wars of days past.

I'm torn on the idea of subscribing to a user. I'd love to be able to follow a topic (similar to on chan boards) but I don't know how useful knowing every single post of one specific person. I suppose if you were interested in the same topics or thought they were an interesting user, it could be useful. (Or, as you mentioned, they're your friend.);return=image&amp;link1=;link2=;link3=;link4=;link5=



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