Ok I have been thinking a lot lately, there are a lot of people who have a lot of great ideas about all different things such as the following: Popularity, Work Is Not Being Noticed, Stop Fighting e.t.c
Well I Want To Share Some Tips For Everyone To Use, I Know Some People Will Think The Tips Are Pointless Or Some Other Words But I Just Want To Help Out Or Just Share My Information That Helps Me Out
Tips For Getting Your Projects Viewed
*Advertise On The Forums> This helps out a lot, you don't have people getting angry at you for posting a link on there project, and you can give a description on the forums.
*Dont Advertise On Peoples Projects> people don't always like others spamming up there projects with links telling them to check there's out. It is really rude when you copy and paste the same message on everyones project because your really not viewing it just acting like you are. When i first joined i use to copy and paste messages and it is a wrong thing to do.
Tip From MyRedNeptune: I'd also like to add that you sometimes can advertise on other peoples' projects. For example, if your project is a remix of the project you're posting on, or if it matches the theme of the project, or if the person is your friend and it matches their interests. Also, do not just post a comment with pure advertisement like "check this out the BEST GAME EVA (link to project)", this is really frustrating and people will most likely ignore it or delete it, or if they are really mad, they can post a mean comment on your project, which is not exactly nice. Instead, start off by posting a nice comment on the persons project and then ask politely if they want to view your project. Then people will view your projects and comment on them, and if you will always be nice you will get good reputation and possibly get popular. Cheers and Scratch on! ^^
*Add Projects To Gallery's> If you add your projects to gallery's with themes then people will look a them more often because that is the type of project the viewers are looking for, don't add project you want to those Anything Gallery because half of them do not get viewed
*Tags> Put tags on your projects this will help good projects get viewed (thanks Jacobo)
Tips For Getting A Bit Popular
* View Other peoples projects
*Give Feedback
*Talk To Other People>Just don't give out personal info like real name, state/town you live in Thats a Big No No, don't want people stalking you
If you do this then people will come to you for help and will want them to view there projects, and look up to you and that gives you some Pride and Popularity
Tips For Avoiding Fights Online/Cyber Bullying
*If someone leaves you a nasty comment do this> ignore them dont type back, then delete it or report it
*Don't give into the bully> when you do that then they get joy at it and will keep on going at you, two words: JUST IGNORE
*If you are on the Forums and a Fight is brewing up do this> use the contact link on the bottom of the page, or tell a moderator about it and they can do something about it
Tips For When Your "leaving Scratch"
90% of users post on the forums that they are leaving and then they wind up coming back. once you do this people are going to think its for PUBLICITY
*Don't post that you are leaving on the forums> it gets really annoying when people say it and then come back when people beg em not to go
Tips For Project Making
Out of ideas for a project?
*Make projects about things you like to do in your life
example} I like guitar hero so i made a guitar hero project
Tell Me What You Think Of These Tips I Shared With You ^_^
These are great tips.
Andremsh is the first to post on your tips but doesn't even look at mine!!!
Great tips. Can I add something? You should tag your projects and other projects, and affirm tags. Tag them appropriatley though. This will make good projects more noticed.
Great tips!
You gave a great description on how to avoid cyber-bullying. I think the common term for those people is 'trolls'. Handy advice certainly is to NOT TROLL FEED that just gives them the satisfaction of knowing they've annoyed and they are getting attention they want.
demosthenes wrote:
Great tips!
You gave a great description on how to avoid cyber-bullying. I think the common term for those people is 'trolls'. Handy advice certainly is to NOT TROLL FEED that just gives them the satisfaction of knowing they've annoyed and they are getting attention they want.
lol i like that DONT TROLL FEED
Gr8 tips lanie! Thanks for sharing!
nice tips
great tips lanie. very good for newcomers to see this.
Good job! Now this is stickied!
Thanks! These tips are great!
These are great! I have to disagree with the avatar-changing thing, I think keeping a recognisable, unique icon (like Paddle2See's, nobody else has a picture of themselves in a kayak) is a good way to help people pick you out from a list of comments.