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#1 2011-06-10 23:07:35

Registered: 2011-03-15
Posts: 6


I am currently in the process of making a mod called Condor. I have added three new categories: Other, List, and BlockLibrary. My only problem is with List. I want to move the 'Make a list' and 'Delete a list' buttons moved from the variables category. I've looked over and over in the source code but I can't find how I should do this in there. If someone can tell me how or at the very least point me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it.
<when I receive[ my awnswer
<say[ thankyou



#2 2011-06-11 01:22:13

Registered: 2011-05-22
Posts: 1000+

Re: Buttons

Scriptmaster01 wrote:

I am currently in the process of making a mod called Condor. I have added three new categories: Other, List, and BlockLibrary. My only problem is with List. I want to move the 'Make a list' and 'Delete a list' buttons moved from the variables category. I've looked over and over in the source code but I can't find how I should do this in there. If someone can tell me how or at the very least point me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it.
<when I receive[ my awnswer
<say[ thankyou

I'm reporting this so it can be moved to Advanced Topics. You'll probably get more help there!

Please call me udg or bearsfan, not undefeated.
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#3 2011-06-11 07:14:50

Registered: 2011-02-09
Posts: 1000+

Re: Buttons

undefeatedgames wrote:

Scriptmaster01 wrote:

I am currently in the process of making a mod called Condor. I have added three new categories: Other, List, and BlockLibrary. My only problem is with List. I want to move the 'Make a list' and 'Delete a list' buttons moved from the variables category. I've looked over and over in the source code but I can't find how I should do this in there. If someone can tell me how or at the very least point me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it.
<when I receive[ my awnswer
<say[ thankyou

I'm reporting this so it can be moved to Advanced Topics. You'll probably get more help there!

I can see you becoming a mod sometime in the future. @Scriptmaster01: I think that it's under Scratch-Objects -> ScriptableScratchMorph -> blocks -> addGenericListBlocksTo:y:
I hope that helps!

♫ 90% of teens can't do math. If you are one of the 40% of teens who can, copy and paste this into your signature. ♫♪



#4 2011-06-11 22:59:04

Registered: 2011-03-15
Posts: 6

Re: Buttons

yea that definitely helped. In case anyone out there needs to know how to do it this is what you do:
go to Scratch-Objects --> ScriptableScratchMorph -> instance -> variables -> variablesPage you should come up with something like this


    | t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 |
    t1 _ ScratchBlockPaletteMorph new color: (Color
                    r: 0.8
                    g: 0.8
                    b: 1.0);
             borderWidth: 0.
    t2 _ ScratchFrameMorph buttonLabel: 'Make a variable' localized selector: #addGlobalVariable.
    (self isKindOf: ScratchSpriteMorph)
        ifTrue: [t2 actionSelector: #addVariable].
    t3 _ ScratchFrameMorph buttonLabel: 'Delete a variable' localized selector: #deleteVariable.
    t6 _ 13.
    t1 addMorph: (t2 target: self;
         position: t6 @ 7).
    t7 _ t2 bottom + 3.
    t4 _ self varNames size > 0.
    (t5 _ self ownerThatIsA: ScratchStageMorph)
        ifNotNil: [t5 varNames size > 0 ifTrue: [t4 _ true]].
            [t1 addMorph: (t3 target: self;
                 position: t6 @ t7).
            t7 _ t3 bottom + 10.
            t7 _ self
                        addVariableReportersTo: t1
                        x: t6
                        y: t7.
            t7 _ t7 + 12.
            t7 _ self
                        addGenericVariableBlocksTo: t1
                        x: t6
                        y: t7].
    self addGenericListBlocksTo: t1 y: t7.
    t1 updateWatcherButtonsForFrame: (self ownerThatIsA: ScratchFrameMorph).
    t8 _ t1 submorphs inject: 0 into: [:t9 :t10 | t9 max: t10 right].
    t1 extent: t8 + 10 @ t7.
    ^ t1

Delete the line: self addGenericListBlocksTo: t1 y: t7.
click accept.
Now you go to Scratch-Objects --> ScriptableScratchMorph ->instance -> blocks -> viewerPageForCategory you should up with


viewerPageForCategory: t1 
    | t2 t3 t4 |
    t1 = 'variables' ifTrue: [^ self variablesPage].
    t1 = 'motion' ifTrue: [^ self viewerPageForMotion].
    t1 = 'sensing' ifTrue: [^ self viewerPageForSensing].
    t2 _ ScratchBlockPaletteMorph new.
    t3 _ 12.
    t4 _ 10.
    (self blocksFor: t1)
        do: [:t5 | t5 = #- | (t5 = #~)
                    [t5 = #- ifTrue: [t4 _ t4 + 15].
                    t5 = #~ ifTrue: [t4 _ t4 + 5]]
                ifFalse: [t4 _ self
                                createBlock: t5
                                atPosition: t3 @ t4
                                onPage: t2]].
    ^ t2

t1 = 'list' ifTrue: [^ self listPage].
to the string
click accept.
Now you add a method with this code


    | t1 t2 t3 |
    t2 _ self.
    t1 _ ScratchBlockPaletteMorph new color: (Color
                    r: 0.8
                    g: 0.8
                    b: 1.0);
             borderWidth: 0.
    self addGenericListBlocksTo: t1 y: t2.
    t1 updateWatcherButtonsForFrame: (self ownerThatIsA: ScratchFrameMorph).
    t3 _ t1 submorphs inject: 0 into: [:t4 :t5 | t4 max: t5 right].
    ^ t1

click accept
Lastly go to addGenericListBlocksTo:y: and replace it with this code


addGenericListBlocksTo: t1 y: t2 
    | t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 |
    t3 _ ScratchFrameMorph buttonLabel: 'Make a list' localized selector: #addList.
    (self isKindOf: ScratchStageMorph)
        ifTrue: [t3 actionSelector: #addGlobalList].
    t4 _ ScratchFrameMorph buttonLabel: 'Delete a list' localized selector: #deleteList.
    t5 _ 13.
    t1 addMorph: (t3 target: self;
         position: t5 @ 7).
    t6 _ t3 bottom + 3.
    t7 _ self listVarNames size > 0.
    (t8 _ self ownerThatIsA: ScratchStageMorph)
        ifNotNil: [t8 listVarNames size > 0 ifTrue: [t7 _ true]].
    t7 ifFalse: [^ self].
    t1 addMorph: (t4 target: self;
         position: t5 @ t6).
    t6 _ t4 bottom + 10.
    t6 _ (self
                addListReportersTo: t1
                x: t5
                y: t6)
                + 10.
    (self blocksFor: 'list')
        do: [:t9 | t9 = #- | (t9 = #~)
                    [t9 = #- ifTrue: [t6 _ t6 + 15].
                    t9 = #~ ifTrue: [t6 _ t6 + 5]]
                    [t6 _ self
                                createBlock: t9
                                atPosition: t5 @ t6
                                onPage: t1.
                    t1 submorphs last color: ScriptableScratchMorph listBlockColor]]

I would like to thank Scratcher7_13 for helping point me in the right direction



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