Welcome to Scratch victorygames Hey, the most recent Scratch Design Studio (it's a gallery with a certain theme where the projects in it can show up on the front page) is about showing new Scratchers like you around the site, so maybe you could go check it out!
You may see some other Scratchers with bits of text or pictures below their posts. These are called sigs/signatures. You won't be able to use one until you reach Scratcher status (as well as not being able to post in Misc. until you reach that Status). If you want to become a Scratcher, the best advice is to be active on the site and forums by commenting on other's projects and making more of your own!
Hello and welcome to Scratch Victorygames! If you need any information about Scratch just ask me or search in the Scratch Wiki!
LordSydney wrote:
Hello and welcome to Scratch Victorygames! If you need any information about Scratch just ask me or search in the Scratch Wiki!
^the wiki is very helpful! Oh, and there is no need to worry about anything to do with Kaj. She was a Scratcher who threatened to hack other people's accounts, but never succeded. People may think that she will come back, but she has been banned by the Scratch team. Kaj also never succeded in hacking anyone, so you know- nothing to worry about. But it's always a good idea to have a hard to guess passoword.
ps to the Scratch team- apparently new scratchers aren't allowed to post links to the Wiki...