This is your very own personal teacher, iTins. Your teacher is called Mr. Tin. He is very kind, and is a great teacher. He will teach you Maths and Litreacy, and he will help you with specific areas, for example multiplying easily and thinking of complex and powerful sentences.
You can also take short breaks with home-made mini-games, and a few warmup ones too.
You may also take tests and it determines how good you are at each subject! It's really simple, thanks to iTins.
Sadly, this project may be cut off due to how hard it is. But, if you'd like to help me with this project, please to mention it and remix the project, and I'll see how you did!
I will only choose 1 person, so be quick in asking!
Here is the project.
Thanks for looking!
PS. I may stop uploading projects.