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#1 2008-06-18 18:41:04

Registered: 2007-05-29
Posts: 24

Scratch cards for gravity, jumping, changing levels

I just finished a week-long Scratch class for kids ages 8-12.  This year's "hot project" was a Mario-type game with gravity and jumping though multiple levels.

The kids all went through the provided 12 Scratch cards pretty quickly, since many of them are so basic.  Rather than constantly answer questions about how to do (very simple) gravity, jumping, and change levels, I made up some Scratch cards to describe the process.

The jumping card assumes you already have gravity implemented, and the change levels card leaves a bit of exercise to the programmer, but overall the kids found them very helpful.  Anyone is free to use them:

Gravity Scratch Card
Jumping Scratch Card
Change Level Scratch Card



#2 2008-06-18 20:41:07

Scratch Team
Registered: 2007-10-27
Posts: 1000+

Re: Scratch cards for gravity, jumping, changing levels

Nice!  Thanks for sharing!



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