Go to http://scratch.mit.edu/users/THE-USERNAME-OF-WHO-YOU-WANT-TO-GET-TO
Or click on their name on a forum post/comment.
Dear a_l_e_x_x,
Hello! My name is tswiftrules, and I have the answer to your inquiry. Emboar30 is correct in saying that to look at another user's profile you click on their name. The name that you should click on to view their profile is next to his/her icon and is usually blue.
I believe that Wickimen and scimonster are both correct, too. There are several ways to find and view another user's profile, and we've listed most of them, I think. I hope I've helped you in some way, and please excuse my formal way of communication. Thank you.
1. Click their name. If you look up 'cat' on the search, and you find (okay I'm going to make this up,) "Random Cat Project' by randomuser, then if you want to go to randomuser's stuff, click on his/her username under the project.
2. Look them up. Let's say you want to see more projects by (making this up again,) somekindofusername. You can look them up in Scratch's search box, click on 'users' when the results come up, and you'll most likely find 'somekindofusername's Stuff' which will take you right there!
I hope this helped!