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I know I can use the say and think blocks to display some text, but what do I do if I want to display something like a score?
Most of what I seen so far seems to rely on making a sprite that is an image of the text, which seems rather narrows down the possibilites. Is there any other way? Is there a specialist block that could be imported to do this?
Have a variable "score" and make every correct answer change "score" by however.
Supposing the score is 327. I can have that value in a variable, but how would I display that value on the screen? There doesn't seem to be any way of displaying text on a screen besides say and think speech bubbles.
Well, you can use a complicated script that has costumes of all the letters and numbers, and stamp them.
Or you could use a pen and draw the letters and /or numbers like I did on my text render project!
The easiest way is with a variable watcher. Just make sure the checkbox next to the variable you want to display is checked, and it will always display the appropriate score.
As coolstuff suggested:
When you create a veriable, make sure the box is ticked like so
Then, it'll appear on the stage like so, and you can right click it to change its appearance:
Yup, a variable watcher is definitely the easiest way to display numbers. You can make a system of stamping numbers, but that's generally a pain and can slow the project down, depending on how you do it.
Variables display text as well as numbers, just set the variable to a word you want it to be. Or even set the variable to the answer to a question
Last edited by Flait7 (2011-05-23 17:43:08)
TBH, variable displays are rather ugly Try using stamp displays... download my project Kriza and look at the text sprite for an example
Last edited by Jonathanpb (2011-05-23 21:23:36)
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Pages: 1