CheckItNow12 wrote:
Can you make me a block that says:
When I Grow Up, I'll <---------- Yellow
Earn $1,000,000 <---------- Green
Get Married to someone that's not a hobo <---------- Purple
Make a better career that Justin Bieber <---------- Pink
Become Famous! <---------- Dark Blue
Drive a Sweet Car! <---------- Red
(sorry it took so long)
Last edited by Joeman592 (2011-07-02 16:44:24)
Joeman592 wrote:
CheckItNow12 wrote:
Can you make me a block that says:
When I Grow Up, I'll <---------- Yellow
Earn $1,000,000 <---------- Green
Get Married to someone that's not a hobo <---------- Purple
Make a better career that Justin Bieber <---------- Pink
Become Famous! <---------- Dark Blue
Drive a Sweet Car! <---------- Red
[url][/url](sorry it took so long)
The Pink Block strangely, says ''Jutin Bieber'', not ''Justin Bieber'', can you fix that error, please? Thanks,
CheckItNow12 wrote:
Joeman592 wrote:
CheckItNow12 wrote:
Can you make me a block that says:
When I Grow Up, I'll <---------- Yellow
Earn $1,000,000 <---------- Green
Get Married to someone that's not a hobo <---------- Purple
Make a better career that Justin Bieber <---------- Pink
Become Famous! <---------- Dark Blue
Drive a Sweet Car! <---------- Red
[url][/url](sorry it took so long)
The Pink Block strangely, says ''Jutin Bieber'', not ''Justin Bieber'', can you fix that error, please? Thanks,
sorry about that
Joeman592 wrote:
CheckItNow12 wrote:
Joeman592 wrote:
[url][/url](sorry it took so long)
The Pink Block strangely, says ''Jutin Bieber'', not ''Justin Bieber'', can you fix that error, please? Thanks,
sorry about thatCode:
It's Ok, anyways, Thank you!
[hat]When green flag clicked
[wrap thingy]forever if <awesome=Hi Ms. Nickerson MEATLOAF MEATLOAF MEATLOAF>
[stack]say (THE DRAFT GOES RAWWR!!!)
Hope it's not too complicated.
Make the "THE DRAFT GOES RAWWR!" block red, the "awesome" block blue, the "Hi Ms. Nickerson MEATLOAF MEATLOAF MEATLOAF" block green, the "say" block orange, and the rest normal color. Thanks!
Could I have:
Here it is! {Hat block! Color: Yellow}
my <uno(fficial)> scratch {scratch in a dropdown list}
Please visit {Cap block}
Color = multicolored or if impossible yellow. (except for the hat block)
Text color= Red
NOTICE: These: { }, when found in the blocks are brackets telling you what I want the blocks to look like
Last edited by barndawg (2012-07-14 10:24:30)
I hope you'd be able to do this:
When flag this project clicked white hat
confirm [do you really want to flag this project?] yellow stack
if <input={yes}> silver "[" block
{flag} this project yellow stack
else silver part of"[" block
{don't flag] this project yellow stack
insert javascript here [alert("Hello!!")] white stack
stop all for (5) secs orange stack
stop all this sprite's scripts white cap
White blocks will need black text...
Last edited by barndawg (2012-07-14 15:38:56)
Joeman592 wrote:
applejack wrote:
Can you please show me where you learned to do it?
Joeman592 wrote:
I hack scratch
it was some forum by LS97 that i can't find...
Here it is:
one like [Blue(cat)<<600>>] Reporter red, Boolean green and block blue.