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#1 2011-05-10 19:15:40

Registered: 2009-07-02
Posts: 100+

New mod concept & development thread

I have an idea for a new mod. The mod will take advantage of the online Java applet and its ability to recognize Logo commands.

The mod will add blocks which are found in the .logo files in the applet. The functions in the files (along with most Logo commands), when used as a selector in a block, will run that function in the applet.

This applet will be 100% sharable and functional on the online Java applet.
As long as we directly modify the Scratch image instead of the source code, there's nothing (besides an updated license) that will keep us from keeping the sharing function in this mod.

To give you an idea of what might be in this mod, a list of Logo commands can be found here, and the .logo files from the applet are here:



; This file defines non-primitive sprite commands except Control commands, which are defined in thread.logo.

; ******* Control *******

; Note: doForever, doIf, doIfElse, doRepeat, doWaitUntil, and doReturn are defined in thread.logo

define wait:elapsed:from: [secs] [timedCommand :secs [] []]
define mwait:elapsed:from: [secs] [timedCommand (:secs / 1000) [] []]

to timedCommand :secs :startAction :endAction
    if thread-end-msecs = [] [
        set-thread-end-msecs %timer + (1000 * :secs)
        run :startAction
        yield stop]
    if %timer < thread-end-msecs [yield stop]
    run :endAction
    set-thread-end-msecs []
    set-thread-tmp []

to broadcast: :msg
    ignore startThreadsForBroadcast :msg

to doBroadcastAndWait :msg
    if empty? thread-tmp [
        let [thrds startThreadsForBroadcast :msg]
        if empty? :thrds [stop]
        set-thread-tmp :thrds
        yield stop]
    dolist [thrd thread-tmp] [if first :thrd [yield stop]]    ; found a running thread
    set-thread-tmp []        ; all threads have stopped; we're done

; start threads for the given broadcast and return the list of started threads
to startThreadsForBroadcast :msg
    let [me who result []]
    if (not string? :msg) [make "msg string :msg]
    dolist [o fput stage sprites] [
        talkto :o
        dolist [scr scripts] [
            let [hat first :scr]
            if (first :hat) = "EventHatMorph [
                if (strequ (last :hat) :msg) [
                    make "result (lput (start-script :o :scr false) :result)
    talkto :me
    output :result

to stopAll
    let [me who]
    dolist [s sprites][if sprite? :s [talkto :s filterReset talkbubble "||]]
    talkto stage filterReset
    talkto :me

define comment: [commentString isOpen] []  ; comments are no-ops

; ******* Motion *******

; Note: xpos, ypos, heading, and %scale are Logo reporters
; %left, %top, %w, and %h give the top, left, width, and height of the scaled & rotated sprite in screen coordinates
;   (i.e. origin at top-left corner of window, y grows down

define forward: [n] [gotoX:y: (xpos + (:n * sin heading)) (ypos + (:n * cos heading))]
define turnRight: [n] [heading: heading + :n]
define turnLeft: [n] [heading: heading - :n]

; handy shortcuts for testing
define fd [n] [forward: :n]
define rt [n] [turnRight: :n]
define lt [n] [turnLeft: :n]

to heading: :n
    if isStage? [stop]
    if :n < 0 [make "n remainder (:n + 360000000) 360]
    setheading :n

to pointTowards: :thing
    let [p mouseOrSpritePosition :thing]
    heading: arctan2 ((first :p) - xpos) ((last :p) - ypos)]

define screenLeft [] [output 1]
define screenRight [] [output screenLeft + 480]
define screenTop [] [output 26]
define screenBottom [] [output screenTop + 360]

to bounceOffEdge
    if (not touching: "edge) [stop]
    if (%left < screenLeft) [%setleft screenLeft]
    if (%top < screenTop) [%settop screenTop]
    if (%right > screenRight) [%setleft screenRight - %w]
    if (%bottom > screenBottom) [%settop screenBottom - %h]

to turnAwayFromEdge
    let [
        closest 10000
        d 10000
        e 0]
    make "d (max 0 (%left - screenLeft))            if :d < :closest [make "e 1 make "closest :d]
    make "d (max 0 (%top - screenTop))                if :d < :closest [make "e 2 make "closest :d]
    make "d (max 0 (screenRight - %right))        if :d < :closest [make "e 3 make "closest :d]
    make "d (max 0 (screenBottom - %bottom))    if :d < :closest [make "e 4 make "closest :d]
    if :closest > 10 [stop]
    let [dx sin heading dy cos heading]
    if :e = 1 [make "dx (max abs :dx 0.2)]
    if :e = 2 [make "dy 0 - (max abs :dy 0.2)]
    if :e = 3 [make "dx 0 - (max abs :dx 0.2)]
    if :e = 4 [make "dy (max abs :dy 0.2)]
    heading: arctan2 :dx :dy

to keepOnStage
    let [inset 1]
    if %right < (screenLeft + :inset) [%setleft (screenLeft + :inset - %w)]
    if %bottom < (screenTop + :inset) [%settop (screenTop + :inset - %h)]
    if %left > (screenRight - :inset) [%setleft (screenRight - :inset)]
    if %top > (screenBottom - :inset) [%settop (screenBottom - :inset)]

to gotoX:y: :x :y
    if isStage? [stop]
    setx :x
    sety :y

to gotoSpriteOrMouse: :thing
    let [p mouseOrSpritePosition :thing]
    gotoX:y: (first :p) (last :p)

to glideSecs:toX:y:elapsed:from: :secs :dstX :dstY
    if thread-end-msecs = [] [
        set-thread-end-msecs %timer + (1000 * :secs)
        set-thread-tmp (se xpos ypos :dstX :dstY (1000 * :secs) %timer)        ; record start and end position
        yield stop]
    let [
        startX (item 1 thread-tmp)
        startY (item 2 thread-tmp)
        endX (item 3 thread-tmp)
        endY (item 4 thread-tmp)
        totalDur (item 5 thread-tmp)
        frac (%timer - (item 6 thread-tmp)) / :totalDur]
    if %timer < thread-end-msecs [
            (:startX + (:frac * (:endX - :startX)))
            (:startY + (:frac * (:endY - :startY)))
        yield stop]
    gotoX:y: :endX :endY
    set-thread-tmp []
    set-thread-end-msecs []

define changeXposBy: [n] [xpos: xpos + :n]
define changeYposBy: [n] [ypos: ypos + :n]
define xpos: [n] [if not isStage? [changed setx :n keepOnStage changed]]
define ypos: [n] [if not isStage? [changed sety :n keepOnStage changed]]

define isStage? [] [output who = stage]

to mouseOrSpritePosition :thing
    if "mouse = :thing [output (se mouseX mouseY)]
    let [me who result []]
    talkto :thing
    make "result (se xpos ypos)
    talkto :me
    output :result

; ******* Looks *******

; Note: show and hide are Logo commands

to lookLike: :costumeNameOrNum
    if string? :costumeNameOrNum [
        if (not hasCostumeNamed :costumeNameOrNum) [
            ifelse (isNumberFormat :costumeNameOrNum)
                [make "costumeNameOrNum round (0 + :costumeNameOrNum)]
                [stop]]] ; neither a costume name nor a valid number
    if number? :costumeNameOrNum [
        let [i ((round :costumeNameOrNum - 1) % count costumes)]
        if :i < 0 [make "i :i + count costumes]
        make "costumeNameOrNum first (nth :i costumes)]
    dotimes [i count costumes][
        let [c nth :i costumes]
        if (strequ (first :c) :costumeNameOrNum) [
            setcindex :i
            let [oldxpos xpos oldypos ypos]
            setcostume (item 2 :c) (item 3 :c) (item 4 :c)
            gotoX:y: :oldxpos :oldypos

to changeCostumeIndexBy: :n
    let [i ((findcostumeIndex costume) + :n) % count costumes]
    lookLike: (item 1 (nth :i costumes))

define nextBackground [] [nextCostume]
to nextCostume
    let [index ((findcostumeIndex costume) + 1) % count costumes]
    lookLike: (item 1 (nth :index costumes))

define costumeIndex [] [output (findcostumeIndex costume) + 1]
define backgroundIndex [] [output (findcostumeIndex costume) + 1]

to findcostumeIndex :img
    if (not empty? cindex) [output cindex]
    dotimes [i count costumes][
        if :img = (item 2 (nth :i costumes)) [
            setcindex :i
            output :i]]

to hasCostumeNamed :costumeName
    dotimes [i count costumes][
        let [c nth :i costumes]
        if (strequ (first :c) :costumeName) [output true]]
    output false

to isNumberFormat :s
    let [i 1]
    if ((count :s) = 0) [output false]
    if (:s = "-) [output false]
    if (:s = ".) [output false]
    if (:s = "-.) [output false]
    if ((first :s) = "-) [make "i :i + 1]
    if (:i > (count :s)) [output true]
    if ((item :i :s)  = ".) [make "i :i + 1]
    output :i > (count :s)

to skipDigits ; uses s and i from isNumberFormat
    let [ch 0]
    loop [
        if (:i > (count :s)) [stop]
        make "ch ascii (item :i :s)
        if (or (:ch < 48)(:ch > 57)) [stop]
        make "i :i + 1]

define showBackground: [s] [lookLike: :s]
define showScene: [s] [lookLike: :s]
define changeBackgroundIndexBy: [n] [changeCostumeIndexBy: :n]
define changeSceneIndexBy: [n] [changeCostumeIndexBy: :n]

define say: [s] [talkbubble :s]
define think: [s] [thinkbubble :s]
define sayNothing [] [say: "||]

to say:duration:elapsed:from: :s :secs
    timedCommand :secs
        [talkbubble :s]
        [talkbubble "||]

to think:duration:elapsed:from: :s :secs
    timedCommand :secs
        [thinkbubble :s]
        [thinkbubble "||]

to changeGraphicEffect:by: :effect :delta
    if "color = :effect [setcolor color + :delta]
    if "brightness = :effect [setbrightness brightness + :delta]
    if "fisheye = :effect [setfisheye fisheye + :delta]
    if "whirl = :effect [setwhirl whirl + :delta]
    if "mosaic = :effect [setmosaic mosaic + :delta]
    if "pixelate = :effect [setpixelate pixelate + :delta]
    if "ghost = :effect [setalpha alpha - (:delta / 100)]

to setGraphicEffect:to: :effect :val
    if "color = :effect [setcolor :val]
    if "brightness = :effect [setbrightness :val]
    if "fisheye = :effect [setfisheye :val]
    if "whirl = :effect [setwhirl :val]
    if "mosaic = :effect [setmosaic :val]
    if "pixelate = :effect [setpixelate :val]
    if "ghost = :effect [setalpha (100 - :val) / 100]

to filterReset
    setcolor 0
    setbrightness 0
    setfisheye 0
    setwhirl 0
    setmosaic 0
    setpixelate 0
    setalpha 1

to changeSizeBy: :n
    if isStage? [stop]
    setscale %scale + (:n / 100)

to setSizeTo: :n
    if isStage? [stop]
    setscale (:n / 100)

define scale [] [output 100 * %scale]
define comeToFront [] [setsprites fput who (removeitem who sprites) changed]

to goBackByLayers: :n
    let [
        oldlist removeitem who sprites
        newlist []
        cnt (itempos who sprites) + :n - 1]
    repeat (max 0 (min :cnt count :oldlist)) [
        make "newlist lput first :oldlist :newlist
        make "oldlist butfirst :oldlist]
    make "newlist lput who :newlist
    setsprites se :newlist :oldlist

; ******* Math *******

; Note: arithmetic and logical operations are implemented thread.logo

to randomFrom:to: :start :stop
    let [
        low (min :start :stop)
        hi  (max :start :stop)]
    ifelse (and (:low = (int :low)) (:hi = (int :hi)))
        [output (int (rand * ((:hi + 1) - :low))) + :low]
        [output (rand * (:hi - :low)) + :low]

define rounded [n] [output round :n]

to computeFunction:of: :op :arg
    if (strequ "abs :op) [output abs :arg]
    if (strequ "sqrt :op) [output sqrt :arg]
    if (strequ "sin :op) [output sin :arg]
    if (strequ "cos :op) [output cos :arg]
    if (strequ "tan :op) [output tan :arg]
    if (strequ "asin :op) [output arcsin :arg]
    if (strequ "acos :op) [output arccos :arg]
    if (strequ "atan :op) [output arctan :arg]
    if (strequ "ln :op) [output ln :arg]
    if (strequ "log :op) [output (ln :arg) / (ln 10.0)]
    if (strequ "|e ^| :op) [output exp :arg]
    if (strequ "|10 ^| :op) [output power 10.0 :arg]
    output 0

; ******* Sound *******

; Note: beep is a Logo command

to playSound: :soundName
    let [snd soundNamed :soundName]
    if list? :snd [stop]
    ignore startSound :snd

to doPlaySoundAndWait :soundName
    if thread-tmp = [] [
        let [snd soundNamed :soundName]
        if list? :snd [stop]
        set-thread-tmp startSound :snd
        yield stop]
    if (isSoundPlaying? thread-tmp) [yield stop]
    set-thread-tmp []

to soundNamed :soundName
    if string? :soundName [
        if (not hasSoundNamed :soundName) [
            ifelse (isNumberFormat :soundName)
                [make "soundName round (0 + :soundName)]
                [output []]]] ; neither a sound name nor a valid number
    if number? :soundName [
        let [i ((:soundName - 1) % count sounds)]
        if :i < 0 [make "i :i + count sounds]
        make "soundName first (nth :i sounds)]
    dolist [s sounds] [if (strequ (item 1 :s) :soundName) [output (item 2 :s)]]
    output []

to hasSoundNamed :soundName
    dotimes [i count sounds][
        let [s nth :i sounds]
        if (strequ (first :s) :soundName) [output true]]
    output false

to drum:duration:elapsed:from: :drum :secs
    timedCommand (:secs * 60) / tempo
        [    set-thread-tmp round :drum
            midinoteon  10 thread-tmp midiVolume]
        [    midinoteoff 10 thread-tmp]

to noteOn:duration:elapsed:from: :key :secs
    timedCommand (:secs * 60) / tempo
        [    if midichan = [] [assign-midi-channel]
            set-thread-tmp round :key
            midinoteon  midichan thread-tmp midiVolume]
        [    midinoteoff midichan thread-tmp]

to rest:elapsed:from: :secs
    timedCommand (:secs * 60) / tempo

to midiInstrument: :n
    if midichan = [] [assign-midi-channel]
    midisetinstrument midichan :n

to assign-midi-channel
    let [
        in-use makelist 16
        ch 0
        besti 0
        bestcnt 1000]
    setmidichan []
    dotimes [i 16] [setnth :i :in-use 0]
    setnth 9 :in-use 1000
    dolist [spr (fput stage sprites)] [
        make "ch (get :spr "midichan)
        if number? :ch [setitem :ch :in-use (item :ch :in-use) + 1]]
    dotimes [i 16] [
        if (nth :i :in-use) < :bestcnt [
            make "besti :i
            make "bestcnt nth :i :in-use]]
    setmidichan :besti + 1

define changeTempoBy: [n] [setTempoTo: tempo + :n]
define setTempoTo: [n] [make "<tempo> (max 20 (min 500 :n))]
define tempo [] [output :<tempo>]
define changeVolumeBy: [n] [setVolumeTo: volume + :n]
define setVolumeTo: [n] [setvolume (max 0 (min 100 :n))]
define midiVolume [] [output (max 0 (min 127 ((127 * volume) / 100)))]

; ******* Pen *******

; Note: setPenDown, setPenColor, setPenHue, setPenShade,setPenSize, penSize, clearPenTrails, and stampCostume are Logo commands

define putPenDown [] [setPenDown true]
define putPenUp [] [setPenDown false]
define penColor: [c] [setPenColor :c]
define changePenHueBy: [n] [setPenHue penHue + :n]
define changePenShadeBy: [n] [setPenShade penShade + :n]
define changePenSizeBy: [n] [penSize: penSize + :n]
define setPenHueTo: [n] [setPenHue :n]
define setPenShadeTo: [n] [setPenShade :n]
define penSize: [n] [setPenSize (max 1 (min 500 :n))]

; ******* Sensing *******

; mouseX, mouseY, mousePressed, and soundLevel are Logo reporters

define mousePressed [] [output mouseIsDown]
to handle-keystrokes
    let [k keystroke]
    if empty? :k [stop]
    dolist [o fput stage sprites] [
        talkto :o
        dolist [scr scripts] [
            if (first first :scr) = "KeyEventHatMorph [
                if :k = (asciiForKeyname (item 2 first :scr)) [ignore start-script :o :scr true]

to keyPressed: :keyName
    let [k asciiForKeyname :keyName]
    if (and (:k > 64)(:k < 91)) [make "k (:k + 32)]  ; convert letters to lower case
    output keydown? :k

to asciiForKeyname :keyName
    if (count :keyName) = 1 [output ascii :keyName]
    if :keyName = "enter [output 10]
    if :keyName = "|left arrow| [output 28]
    if :keyName = "|right arrow| [output 29]
    if :keyName = "|up arrow| [output 30]
    if :keyName = "|down arrow| [output 31]
    if :keyName = "space [output 32]
    output -1

to handle-mouseclicks
    let [p mouseClick]
    if empty? :p [stop]
    dolist [o lput stage sprites] [
        talkto :o
        if (isShowing :o) [
            if (containsPoint? (item 1 :p)(item 2 :p)) [
                dolist [scr scripts] [
                    if (first first :scr) = "MouseClickEventHatMorph [ignore start-script :o :scr false]]

to touching: :thing
    if "mouse = :thing [output containsPoint? mouseX mouseY]
    if "edge = :thing [
        if %left < screenLeft [output true]
        if %top < screenTop [output true]
        if %right > screenRight [output true]
        if %bottom > screenBottom [output true]
        output false]
    if sprite? :thing [
        if (and (isShowing who) (isShowing :thing)) [
            if (touchingSprite? :thing) [output true]]]
    output false

define touchingColor: [c] [output touchingColor? :c]
define color:sees: [c1 c2] [output colorTouchingColor? :c1 :c2]

to distanceTo: :thing
    let [
        p mouseOrSpritePosition :thing
        dx xpos - (first :p)
        dy ypos - (last :p)]
    output sqrt (:dx * :dx) + (:dy * :dy)

define timerReset [] [make "<basetime> %timer]
define timer [] [output (%timer - :<basetime>) / 1000]
define isLoud [] [output soundLevel > 35]

define sensorPressed: [s] [output (sensor: :s) < 10]
to sensor: :s
    if (number? :s)   [output getSensorValue :s]
    if (:s = "slider) [output getSensorValue 1]
    if (:s = "light)  [output getSensorValue 2]
    if (:s = "sound)  [output getSensorValue 3]
    if (:s = "|button pressed|) [output getSensorValue 4]
    if (or (strequ "A first :s) (strequ "A last :s)) [output getSensorValue 5]
    if (or (strequ "B first :s) (strequ "B last :s)) [output getSensorValue 6]
    if (or (strequ "C first :s) (strequ "C last :s)) [output getSensorValue 7]
    if (or (strequ "D first :s) (strequ "D last :s)) [output getSensorValue 8]
    output 0

to getAttribute:of: :attr :obj
    if not (or (stage = :obj)(sprite? :obj)) [output 0]
    let [
        me who
        result []
        vdict []]
    talkto :obj
    if (stage = :obj) [
        if (strequ :attr "|background #|)    [make "result backgroundIndex]
        if (strequ :attr "volume)                    [make "result volume]
    if (sprite? :obj) [
        if (strequ :attr "|x position|)    [make "result xpos]
        if (strequ :attr "|y position|)    [make "result ypos]
        if (strequ :attr "direction)        [make "result heading]
        if (strequ :attr "|costume #|)    [make "result costumeIndex]
        if (strequ :attr "size)                    [make "result scale]
        if (strequ :attr "volume)                [make "result volume]
    talkto :me
    if (not empty? :result) [output :result]

    ; look up :attr as a variable
    make "vdict (get :obj "vars)
    if not list? (get :vdict :attr) [output (get :vdict :attr)] ; local var
    make "vdict (get stage "vars)]
    if not list? (get :vdict :attr) [output (get :vdict :attr)] ; global var
    output :result

; ******* Variables *******

define getVar: [n] [output readVariable :n]
define getUserVar: [n] [output readVariable :n]

to readVariable :vname
    let [vdict vardictfor :vname]
    output get :vdict :vname

to changeVariable :vname :op :val
    let [vdict vardictfor :vname]
    ifelse (or (:op = "set:to:)(:op = "setVar:to:))
        [put :vdict :vname :val]
        [put :vdict :vname (coerceToNumber (get :vdict :vname) + (coerceToNumber :val))]

; answer the vars object (for the current sprite or the stage) that defines the given variable
; if the variable is not found in either the spite's or stage's variables, define
; it as a stage variable (i.e. as a global)
to vardictfor :vname
    let [vdict (get who "vars)]
    if not list? (get :vdict :vname) [output :vdict]
    make "vdict (get stage "vars)
    if list? (get :vdict :vname) [put :vdict :vname 0]    ; auto-define the variable as a global
    output :vdict

to showVariable: :varName
    let [wlist watchersFor: :varName]
    if ((count :wlist) = 0) [make "wlist (list createWatcherFor :varName)]
    dolist [w :wlist][showWatcher :w]

to hideVariable: :varName
    dolist [w watchersFor: :varName][hideWatcher :w]

to watchersFor: :varName
    let [result []]
    dolist [w sprites] [
        if (watcher? :w) [
            if ((get :w "op) = "getVar:) [
                if ((get :w "param) = :varName) [
                    make "result (lput :w :result)]]]]
    output :result

to createWatcherFor :varName
    if (string? :varName) [make "varName intern :varName]
    let [w newVarWatcher :varName title string :varName]
    if (localVar? :varName) [make "title (word (word name "| |) :title)]
    setWatcherXY :w 10 findYForNewWatcher
    setWatcherColorAndLabel :w (newcolor 243 118 29) :title
    put :w "target who
    put :w "op "getVar:
    put :w "param :varName
    setsprites (fput :w sprites)
    output :w

to localVar? :varName
    let [vdict (get who "vars)]
    output not list? (get :vdict :varName) ; found varName in sprite's local variable dictionary

to findYForNewWatcher
    let [newY 35]
    dolist [w sprites] [
        if (watcher? :w) [
            if ((watcherY :w) + 25) > :newY [make "newY ((watcherY :w) + 25)]]]
    if (:newY > 360) [make "newY 360]
    output :newY

; ******* Lists *******

to contentsOfList: :listName
    let [lists listvarsFor :listName]
    output listContents (get (listvarsFor :listName) :listName)

to append:toList: :val :listName
    let [
        lists listvarsFor :listName
        newList []]
    make "newList (lput (asListElement: :val) (get :lists :listName))
    put :lists :listName :newList
    updateWatcher :listName :newList (count :newList)

to deleteLine:ofList: :index :listName
    let [lists listvarsFor :listName
         i 0
         newList []]
    if (:index = "all) [
        put :lists :listName :newList
        updateWatcher :listName :newList "none
    if not (:i = (count (get :lists :listName))) [
        make "i compute-index :index :listName]
    if (:i = 0) [
        updateWatcher :listName (get :lists :listName) :i
    make "newList (removeitempos :i (get :lists :listName))
    put :lists :listName :newList
    if (:i < ((count :newList) + 1)) [updateWatcher :listName :newList :i]
    if (:i > (count :newList)) [updateWatcher :listName :newList (:i - 1)]

to insert:at:ofList: :val :index :listName
    let [lists listvarsFor :listName
         len count (get :lists :listName)
         i compute-index :index :listName
         newList []]
    if (:index = "last) [make "i :len + 1]
    if (:index = "any) [make "i int(rand * (:len + 1)) + 1]
    if (:i = 0) [make "i 1]
    make "newList (insert (get :lists :listName) :i (asListElement: :val))
    put :lists :listName :newList
    updateWatcher :listName :newList :i

to setLine:ofList:to: :index :listName :val
    let [lists listvarsFor :listName
         i compute-index :index :listName]
    if (:i = 0) [stop]
    setitem :i (get :lists :listName) (asListElement: :val)
    updateWatcher :listName (get :lists :listName) :i

to getLine:ofList: :index :listName
    let [lists listvarsFor :listName
         i compute-index :index :listName
         w (get (get (listowner :listName) "listwatchers) :listName)]
    if not (:w = []) [highlightListWatcherIndex :w :i]
    if (:i = 0) [output "||]
    output item :i (get :lists :listName)

to lineCountOfList: :listName
    let [lists listvarsFor :listName]
    output count (get :lists :listName)

; following gets the listvars object for either the current sprite or the stage
to listvarsFor :listName
    if (hasKey listvars :listName) [output listvars]
    output get stage "listvars]

to updateWatcher :listName :newList :i
    let [w (get (get (listowner :listName) "listwatchers) :listName)]
    if (:w = []) [stop]
    setListWatcherList :w :newList
    if not (:i = "none) [highlightListWatcherIndex :w :i]

to listowner :listName
    if (hasKey listvars :listName) [output who]
    output stage

to compute-index :index :listName
    let [len count (get (listvarsFor :listName) :listName) i 0]
    if (:index = "last) [output :len]
    if (:index = "any) [output int(rand * :len) + 1]
    make "i round :index
    if (or (:i < 1)(:i > (:len + 1))) [output 0]
    output :i

to list:contains: :listName :val
    output member? :val (get (listvarsFor :listName) :listName)

to asListElement: :val
    if (false = :val) [output "0]
    if (true = :val) [output "1]
    if (number? :val) [
        if ((int :val) = :val) [output string :val]]  ; use integer string
    output :val

; ******* Strings *******

to concatenate:with: :s1 :s2
    output word :s1 :s2

to letter:of: :i :s
    if (not string? :s) [make "s string :s]
    if (strequ :i "first) [make "i 1]
    if (strequ :i "last) [make "i (count :s)]
    if (strequ :i "any) [make "i int(rand * (count :s)) + 1]
    if (string? :i) [make "i coerceToNumber :i]
    if (not number? :i) [make "i 0]
    make "i round :i
    if (or (:i < 1)(:i > (count :s))) [output "||]
    output item :i :s

to stringLength: :s
    if (not string? :s) [make "s string :s]
    output count :s

define answer [] [output lastAnswer]

; ******* Motor *******

define motorOnFor:elapsed:from: [secs] [timedCommand :secs [] []]
define allMotorsOn [] []
define allMotorsOff [] []
define startMotorPower: [power] []
define setMotorDirection: [direction] []



; This file defines the structure of a sprite and how to read in a Scratch project.
; The entry points are sprite, open, and openurl.

to sprite-startup
    ; builtin sprite fields: xpos ypos costume
    let [fields [name costumes sounds scripts vars listvars listwatchers midichan volume cindex]]
    dolist [i (se :fields)] [
        define :i [] (se [output get who] quote :i)
        define (word "set :i) [val] (se [put who] quote :i [:val])]
    make "<tempo> 60

; lookup a sprite by name
to sprite :name
    if :name = get stage "name [output stage]
    dolist [spr sprites] [if :name = get :spr "name [output :spr]]
    error (se [no sprite named] :name)

to open :projname
    install-objtable readprojfile (word :projname ".sb)

to openold :projname
    install-objtable readprojfile (word :projname ".scratch)

to openurl
    install-objtable readprojurl

to install-objtable :objtable
    make "<tempo> 60
    setsprites []
    dolist [entry :objtable] [
        if (or ((item 2 :entry) = 124) ((item 2 :entry) = 125)) [add-extracted-object :entry]
        if ((item 2 :entry) = 155) [init-watcher :entry]
    dolist [entry :objtable] [
        if ((item 2 :entry) = 175) [init-list-watcher :entry]

; add a sprite/stage extracted from the given table entry
to add-extracted-object :o
    let [
        spr item 1 :o
        id item 2 :o
        version item 3 :o
        pos item 4 :o
        cost extract-costume (item 15 :o)
        flags item 8 :o
        sname item 10 :o
        sscale item 1 item 17 :o
        degrees item 18 :o
        rstyle item 19 :o]
    talkto :spr
    setname :sname
    setcostumes extract-costume-list :o
    setsounds extract-sounds :o
    setscripts extract-scripts :o
    setvars extract-variables :o
    setcostume (item 2 :cost) (item 3 :cost) (item 4 :cost)
    setvolume 100
    setDraggable false
    setcindex []
    setlistvars []
    setlistwatchers makelist 0
    if :id = 124 [    ; this object is a sprite
        setscale :sscale
        if (logand :flags 1) = 1 [hide]
        setheading :degrees + 90
        setrotationstyle stylenum :rstyle
        setx (item 1 :pos) + (item 3 :cost) - 240
        sety 180 - ((item 2 :pos) + (item 4 :cost))
        if (:version > 1) [
            setvolume (item 20 :o)
            setDraggable (item 22 :o)]
        if (:version > 2) [setlistvars extract-listvars (item 24 :o)]
    if :id = 125 [    ; this object is the stage
        setstage :spr
        setsprites []
        dolist [obj (item 6 :o)][
            if sprite? :obj [setsprites (lput :obj sprites)]
            if watcher? :obj [setsprites (lput :obj sprites)]]
        if (:version > 3) [
            setvolume (item 21 :o)
            make "<tempo> (item 22 :o)]
        if (:version > 4) [setlistvars extract-listvars (item 24 :o)]

; extract a list of costumes from a sprite/stage object table entry
to extract-costume-list :x
    let [
        medialist item 14 :x
        result []]
    dolist [m :medialist] [
        if (item 2 :m) = 162 [make "result lput (extract-costume :m) :result]]
    output :result

; extract a costume record from the given ImageMedia object table entry
; output a 4-typle: (<name><image><rotCenter x><rotCenter y>)
to extract-costume :m
    let [
        name item 4 :m
        img item 5 :m
        rotCenter item 6 :m]
    if (item 3 :m) > 2 [ ; ImageMedia version 4 or later, use compositeForm if not nil
        if (not list? (item 8 :m)) [ ; image was jpeg compressed; expand and save
                make "img jpegDecode (item 8 :m)
                setitem 5 :m :img
                setitem 8 :m []]]
    if (item 3 :m) > 3 [ ; ImageMedia version 4 or later, use compositeForm if not nil
        if (not list? (item 9 :m)) [make "img (item 9 :m)]]
    output (se :name :img (item 1 :rotCenter)(item 2 :rotCenter))

; extract a list of sounds from a sprite/stage object table entry
; each sound is a pair (<name><sound>)
to extract-sounds :o
    let [
        medialist item 14 :o
        result []]
    dolist [m :medialist] [
        if (item 2 :m) = 164 [
            let [
                name item 4 :m
                snd item 5 :m]
            make "result lput (se :name :snd) :result]]
    output :result

; extract a list of scripts from a sprite/stage object table entry
to extract-scripts :o
    let [
        slist item 12 :o
        result []]
    dolist [s :slist] [make "result lput (item 2 :s) :result]
    output :result

to stylenum :styleName
    if (:styleName = "normal) [output 0]
    if (:styleName = "leftRight) [output 1]
    if (:styleName = "none) [output 2]
    output 0

; extract the variables for the given sprite/stage object table entry
; return an empty list whose property list contains the variable bindings.
to extract-variables :o
    let [
        varlist item 11 :o
        i 1
        result makelist 0]
    repeat ((count :varlist) / 2) [
        put :result (intern item :i :varlist) (item :i + 1 :varlist)
        make "i :i + 2
    output :result

; extract the list variables for the given array of (name, list) pairs
; return an empty list whose property list contains the list variable bindings.
to extract-listvars :pairs
    let [
        i 1
        vname []
        val []
        result makelist 0]
    repeat ((count :pairs) / 2) [
        make "vname (intern item :i :pairs)
        make "val (item 13 (item :i + 1 :pairs))
        put :result :vname :val
        make "i :i + 2
    output :result

; initialize the Watcher for the given object table entry
to init-watcher :o
    let [
        w item 1 :o
        version item 3 :o
        box item 4 :o
        title item 17 :o
        readout item 18 :o
        readoutFrame item 19 :o
        readoutBox item 4 :readoutFrame
        slider item 20 :o
        target item 14 :readout
        op item 15 :readout
        param item 17 :readout]
    if (string? :param) [make "param intern :param]
    setWatcherXY :w ((item 1 :box) + 1) ((item 2 :box) + 26)
    setWatcherColorAndLabel :w (item 7 :readoutFrame) (item 12 :title)
    if (:version > 3) [setWatcherSliderMinMax :w (item 24 :o) (item 25 :o)]
    ifelse ((count :slider) > 0)
        [setWatcherMode :w 2]
        [if ((item 4 :readoutBox) - (item 2 :readoutBox)) > 14 [setWatcherMode :w 3]]
    put :w "target :target
    put :w "op :op
    put :w "param :param

; initialize the ListWatcher for the given object table entry
to init-list-watcher :o
    if not (sprite? (item 5 :o)) [stop]    ; do nothing if owner is nil (i.e. watcher is not showing)
    let [
        w newListWatcher
        version item 3 :o
        box item 4 :o
        listName item 12 :o
        listContents item 13 :o
        listTarget item 14 :o]
    put (get :listTarget "listwatchers) intern :listName :w
    setListWatcherXY :w ((item 1 :box) + 1) ((item 2 :box) + 26)
    setListWatcherWidthHeight :w ((item 3 :box) - (item 1 :box)) ((item 4 :box) - (item 2 :box))
    if not (:listTarget = stage) [make "listName (word (get :listTarget "name) "| | :listName)]
    setListWatcherLabel :w :listName
    setListWatcherList :w :listContents



to startup
    load "sprite
    load "thread
    load "commands
    make "cycle 0
    ifelse applet?
        [open "midiTest]
    if autostart? [greenflag]

to greenflag
    dolist [o fput stage sprites] [
        talkto :o
        dolist [scr scripts] [
            if (first :scr) = [EventHatMorph Scratch-StartClicked] [ignore start-script :o :scr false]

to interact
    loop [runstep]

to runstep
    let [t %timer]
    make "t %timer - :t
    if :t < 30 [mwait 30 - :t] ; limit speed to 33 frames/sec

to updateWatchers
    dolist [w sprites] [
        if (watcher? :w) [
            let [
                op (get :w "op)
                param (get :w "param)
                val 0]
            talkto (get :w "target)
            ifelse empty? :param
                [make "val run (list :op)]
                [make "val run (list :op (quote :param))]
            setWatcherText :w :val]]

to updateListWatchers
    make "cycle ((:cycle + 1) % 5)
    if (:cycle = 0) [
        dolist [w sprites] [
            if (listWatcher? :w) [clearListWatcherHighlights :w]]]
; for debugging; run a script to completion on the current sprite
to do :cmds
    ignore start-thread who :cmds
    loop [
        if (count :<threads>) = 0 [stop]



; A thread is a list:
;    1 running?        becomes false when thread stops
;    2 owner            script owner (a sprite or the stage)
;    3 oldstate        state saved when a block runs a sublist of commands
;    4 cmds            current command list
;    5 ip            index of the current command in cmds
;    6 end-msecs        used by timed commmads such as glide
;    7 tmp            used by timed commmads and repeat
; <threads> is a global list of running threads
; <current-thread> is the thread currently being run by step-thread
; <yield?> is set to true when the current thread wishes to yield
; <stopall> is set to true when the stopall command is invoked

to thread-startup
    let [ fields [running? owner oldstate cmds ip end-msecs tmp]
                field "]
    dotimes [i count :fields] [
        make "field nth :i :fields
        define word "thread- :field [] (se [output nth] :i [:<current-thread>])
        define word "set-thread- :field [v] (se [setnth] :i [:<current-thread> :v])

to stop-all-threads
    if (name? "<threads>) [
        dolist [thrd :<threads>][abort-thread :thrd]]
    make "<threads> []
    make "<stopall> true

to abort-thread :<current-thread>
    if thread-ip > count thread-cmds [stop]
    let [
        cmd item thread-ip thread-cmds
        chan get thread-owner "midichan]
    if list? thread-tmp [stop]
    if list? :chan [stop]
    if ((first :cmd) = "noteOn:duration:elapsed:from:) [midinoteoff :chan thread-tmp]
    if ((first :cmd) = "drum:duration:elapsed:from:) [midinoteoff 10 thread-tmp]
    if ((first :cmd) = "doPlaySoundAndWait) [stopSound thread-tmp]

to stop-thread
    set-thread-running? false
    let [topCmds item 4 (thread-top :<current-thread>)]
    if not empty? :topCmds [put (first :topCmds) "thread []]

; return the thread for the top-level command list for this thread
to thread-top :thrd
    loop [
        if empty? (item 3 :thrd) [output :thrd]
        make "thrd (item 3 :thrd)]

; start a thread for a hat block and return the thread object
to start-script :sprite :hat :isKeyEvent
    let [cmdList butfirst :hat]
    if empty? :cmdList [output [false]]
    let [oldThrd get (first :cmdList) "thread]
    if not empty? :oldThrd [
        if (first :oldThrd) [ ; the thread for this hat is running
            ifelse :isKeyEvent
                [output [false]]
                [abort-thread :oldThrd]]]
    let [newThrd start-thread :sprite :cmdList]
    put (first :cmdList) "thread :newThrd
    output :newThrd

; start a thread and return the thread object
to start-thread :sprite :cmds
    let [thrd (list true :sprite [] :cmds 1 [] [])]
    make "<threads> lput :thrd :<threads>
    output :thrd

; step each thread in <threads> and remove any threads that are no longer running
to step-all-threads
    let [oldThreads :<threads>]
    make "<threads> []
    make "<stopall> false
    dolist [thrd :oldThreads] [
        carefully [step-thread :thrd][print "error abort-thread :thrd]
;;;xxx    step-thread :thrd
        if :<stopall> [
            dolist [t :oldThreads][abort-thread :t]
    dolist [thrd :oldThreads] [if first :thrd [make "<threads> lput :thrd :<threads>]]

; step a thread until it yields
to step-thread :<current-thread>
    if not thread-running? [stop]
    talkto thread-owner
    let [<yield?> false]
    loop [
        if thread-ip > count thread-cmds [end-list]
        if :<yield?> [stop]
        run eval-all-args (item thread-ip thread-cmds)
        if :<yield?> [stop]
        set-thread-ip thread-ip + 1]

; run the given list of commands (used by control structure commands)
to run-list :cmdList
    set-thread-oldstate copylist :<current-thread>
    set-thread-cmds :cmdList
    set-thread-ip 0
    set-thread-end-msecs []
    set-thread-tmp []

to end-list
    ifelse empty? thread-oldstate
        [stop-thread yield]
        [ let [oldstate thread-oldstate]
            set-thread-oldstate (item 3 :oldstate)
            set-thread-cmds (item 4 :oldstate)
            set-thread-ip (item 5 :oldstate)
            set-thread-end-msecs (item 6 :oldstate)
            set-thread-tmp (item 7 :oldstate)
            if thread-ip > count thread-cmds [end-list stop]
            let [cmd first (item thread-ip thread-cmds)]
            if (or (:cmd = "doForever)(:cmd = "doForeverIf)(:cmd = "doRepeat)(:cmd = "doUntil)) [yield]

; if the argument is a list, evaluate it. otherwise, return it
to eval-arg :arg
    if number? :arg [output :arg]
    if quoted? :arg [output :arg]
    if string? :arg [output quote :arg]
    if color? :arg [output :arg]
    if sprite? :arg [output :arg]
    if list? :arg [
        if ((count :arg) = 1) [
            if (list? first :arg) [make "arg first :arg]]
        output eval-expression eval-all-args :arg]
    if :arg = true [output :arg]
    if :arg = false [output :arg]
    output quote :arg

; evaluate an expression whose arguments have already been evaluted
to eval-expression :expr
    if (count :expr) = 0 [output :expr]
    let [op item 1 :expr]
    if (count :expr) = 3 [
        if (count first :expr) < 3 [
            let [
                    op item 1 :expr
                    arg1 eval-arg item 2 :expr
                    arg2 eval-arg item 3 :expr]
            if (member? :op [< = >]) [output eval-comparision :expr]

            make "arg1 coerceToNumber :arg1
            make "arg2 coerceToNumber :arg2
            if "+ = :op [output :arg1 + :arg2]
            if "- = :op [output :arg1 - :arg2]
            if "* = :op [output :arg1 * :arg2]
            if "/ = :op [output :arg1 / :arg2]
            if "\\ = :op [
                let [n :arg1 % :arg2]
                if :n < 0 [make "n :n + abs :arg2]
                output :n]
            if "& = :op [output (and :arg1 :arg2)]
            if (char 124) = :op [output (or :arg1 :arg2)]]]    ; 124 is | (vertical bar)

    let [v run :expr]
    if (string? :v) [make "v quote :v]
    output :v

to eval-comparision :expr
    let [
        op item 1 :expr
        arg1 eval-arg item 2 :expr
        arg2 eval-arg item 3 :expr]

    if quoted? :arg1 [make "arg1 unquote :arg1]
    if quoted? :arg2 [make "arg2 unquote :arg2]
    if isNumberFormat :arg1 [make "arg1 coerceToNumber :arg1]
    if isNumberFormat :arg2 [make "arg2 coerceToNumber :arg2]
    if (and (string? :arg1)(string? :arg2)) [
        if "< = :op [output (strcmp :arg1 :arg2) < 0]
        if "= = :op [output (strcmp :arg1 :arg2) = 0]
        if "> = :op [output (strcmp :arg1 :arg2) > 0]]
    if (and (string? :arg1)(number? :arg2)) [
        ifelse isNumberFormat :arg1
            [make "arg1 coerceToNumber :arg1]
            [output false]]
    if (and (number? :arg1)(string? :arg2)) [
        ifelse isNumberFormat :arg2
            [make "arg2 coerceToNumber :arg2]
            [output false]]

    if "< = :op [output :arg1 < :arg2]
    if "= = :op [output :arg1 = :arg2]
    if "> = :op [output :arg1 > :arg2]

to coerceToNumber :o
    if number? :o [output :o]
    if quoted? :o [make "o unquote :o]
    if string? :o [
        if (count :o) = 0 [output 0]
        ifelse isNumberFormat :o
            [output 0 + :o]
            [output 0]]
    output :o

; return a copy of the given command with all of its arguments evaluated
; however, do not evalute the arguments if the command is a control structure
to eval-all-args :cmd
    let [new-cmd copylist :cmd]
    if is-control? :cmd [output :new-cmd]
    dotimes [i (count :cmd) - 1] [
        setitem :i + 2 :new-cmd (eval-arg item :i + 2 :cmd)]
    if (count :new-cmd) > 0 [coerce-number-args :new-cmd]
    output :new-cmd

; coerce selected arguments of the given command to numbers if necessary
to coerce-number-args :cmd
    let [op first :cmd]

    ; coerce all arguments of these commands to numbers
    if member? :op [
        forward: turnRight: turnLeft: gotoX:y: glideSecs:toX:y:elapsed:from: changeXposBy: xpos: changeYposBy: ypos:
        setSizeTo: goBackByLayers:
        drum:duration:elapsed:from: rest:elapsed:from: noteOn:duration:elapsed:from:
        midiInstrument: changeVolumeBy: setVolumeTo: changeTempoBy: setTempoTo:
        changePenHueBy: setPenHueTo: changePenShadeBy: setPenShadeTo: changePenSizeBy: penSize: changeSizeBy:
        wait:elapsed:from: randomFrom:to: rounded] [
            dotimes [i count :cmd] [
                if :i > 0 [setnth :i :cmd (coerceToNumber nth :i :cmd)]]]

    ; coerce the last argument of these commands to a number
    if member? :op [
        say:duration:elapsed:from: think:duration:elapsed:from:
        changeGraphicEffect:by: setGraphicEffect:to:] [
            let [i count :cmd]
            setitem :i :cmd (coerceToNumber item :i :cmd)]

define yield [] [make "<yield?> true]

; ******* control structures *******

; return true if the given command is a control structure
; (i.e. it decided when and how to evalutate it's arguments)
to is-control? :cmd
    if (count :cmd) = 0 [output false]
    output member? first :cmd [doForever doForeverIf doIf doIfElse doRepeat doUntil doWaitUntil]

to is-true? :expr
    if :expr = "false [output false]
    output eval-arg :expr

to doForever :cmdList
    run-list :cmdList

to doForeverIf :expr :cmdList
    ifelse is-true? :expr
        [run-list :cmdList]

to doIf :expr :cmdList
    if is-true? :expr [
        set-thread-ip thread-ip + 1
        run-list :cmdList]

to doIfElse :expr :trueCmdList :falseCmdList
    set-thread-ip thread-ip + 1
    ifelse is-true? :expr
        [run-list :trueCmdList]
        [run-list :falseCmdList]

to doRepeat :count :cmdList
    if empty? thread-tmp [set-thread-tmp coerceToNumber eval-arg :count]
    if thread-tmp < 1 [set-thread-tmp [] stop]    ; repeat finished
    set-thread-tmp thread-tmp - 1
    run-list :cmdList

to doUntil :expr :cmdList
    if not is-true? :expr [run-list :cmdList]

define doWaitUntil [expr] [if not is-true? :expr [yield]]

define doReturn [] [stop-thread yield]

to doAsk :question
    if list? thread-tmp [
        if askPromptShowing? [yield stop]
        ifelse (and (sprite? thread-owner) (not thread-owner = stage) (isVisible thread-owner))
            [talkto thread-owner
             askbubble :question
             showAskPrompt "||]
            [showAskPrompt :question]
        set-thread-tmp "askInProgress
    if askPromptShowing? [yield stop]
    askbubble "||
    set-thread-tmp []

Aren't you glad we have scrollbars in code boxes?

At some point: Decide a name for the mod. DONE (LogoBlox)
1. Make new categories for blocks DONE
2. Make list of blocks to be added. This should include a block which allows the user to type in Logo code. 1/2 DONE
3. Add these blocks. DONE
4. Make these blocks work. Most of the Logo commands do not have the colons needed to define inputs in Squeak. This will require the blocks to which this applies to be special form blocks, which makes them evaluated in ScratchProcess without needing direct inputs. DONE (Found another workaround)
5. Swat all remaining bugs DONE (I hope!)

Last edited by rubiks_cube_guy238 (2011-05-13 14:46:47)

The glass is never half full nor half empty; it is twice as large as it needs to be.



#2 2011-05-11 10:27:22

Registered: 2010-02-20
Posts: 1000+

Re: New mod concept & development thread

what's it called?

Posts: 20000 - Show all posts



#3 2011-05-11 10:34:09

Community Moderator
Registered: 2010-06-13
Posts: 1000+

Re: New mod concept & development thread

veggieman001 wrote:

what's it called?

rubiks_cube_guy238 wrote:

At some point: Decide a name for the mod.

Edit: ( tongue ) I know, I know.

Last edited by scimonster (2011-05-11 10:35:18)



#4 2011-05-11 18:12:21

Registered: 2009-07-02
Posts: 100+

Re: New mod concept & development thread

Beta is out!
You will find 2 new categories: Applet and Logo. Currently, only Applet has blocks in it. I have everything (I think) working, but let me know if you find any bugs!

At the moment, I am calling this 'LogoBlox', but I'm open to other name suggestions!


Last edited by rubiks_cube_guy238 (2011-05-11 18:13:10)

The glass is never half full nor half empty; it is twice as large as it needs to be.



#5 2011-05-11 19:17:45

Registered: 2009-07-02
Posts: 100+

Re: New mod concept & development thread

Oops! I just noticed that the open project block doesn't work offline. Could anyone solve this problem for me? (You want to change the code in ScriptableScratchMorph other openProject: )

The glass is never half full nor half empty; it is twice as large as it needs to be.



#6 2011-05-11 19:24:51

Registered: 2010-09-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: New mod concept & development thread

The keep on stage block is not needed, the selector is always ran whenever the sprite moves. Oh, it is for the applet online, I see, great!

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#7 2011-05-11 19:31:35

Registered: 2010-09-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: New mod concept & development thread

Whoa! I need to test this! After they fix th upload glitch... or maybe it will work.

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#8 2011-05-11 19:35:21

Registered: 2010-09-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: New mod concept & development thread

They haven't fixed it, I had only one block one costume with one pixel and it said that it might have been because of being higher than 10GB.

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#9 2011-05-11 19:37:54

Registered: 2010-09-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: New mod concept & development thread

Oh yah the open project block doesn't work because the blockspec isn't right here is what it should be:

('open project from %s' #- #openProject: '')

Last edited by Pecola1 (2011-05-11 19:38:11)

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#10 2011-05-11 19:41:43

Registered: 2010-09-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: New mod concept & development thread

The open project won't read anything, I entered:


into the insert.

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#11 2011-05-11 21:32:29

Registered: 2011-02-09
Posts: 1000+

Re: New mod concept & development thread

scimonster wrote:

veggieman001 wrote:

what's it called?

rubiks_cube_guy238 wrote:

At some point: Decide a name for the mod.

Edit: ( tongue ) I know, I know.

I added LogoBlox to the wiki.  smile

♫ 90% of teens can't do math. If you are one of the 40% of teens who can, copy and paste this into your signature. ♫♪



#12 2011-05-12 07:12:05

Registered: 2009-07-02
Posts: 100+

Re: New mod concept & development thread

Pecola1 wrote:

Oh yah the open project block doesn't work because the blockspec isn't right here is what it should be:

('open project from %s' #- #openProject: '')

Then it won't work correctly online. I have a special way to handle blocks with selectors with no inputs.

The glass is never half full nor half empty; it is twice as large as it needs to be.



#13 2011-05-12 15:15:27

Registered: 2010-09-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: New mod concept & development thread

rubiks_cube_guy238 wrote:

Pecola1 wrote:

Oh yah the open project block doesn't work because the blockspec isn't right here is what it should be:

('open project from %s' #- #openProject: '')

Then it won't work correctly online. I have a special way to handle blocks with selectors with no inputs.

Oh, you want to get it complicated,  roll , but I guess if the insert doesn't work then you'll have to.  hmm  but you need to make the method, depending on how you are making it read the insert, and stuff. Unless you make it so it replaces the selector.

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#14 2011-05-12 20:25:52

Registered: 2009-07-02
Posts: 100+

Re: New mod concept & development thread

Pecola1 wrote:

rubiks_cube_guy238 wrote:

Pecola1 wrote:

Oh yah the open project block doesn't work because the blockspec isn't right here is what it should be:

Then it won't work correctly online. I have a special way to handle blocks with selectors with no inputs.

Oh, you want to get it complicated,  roll , but I guess if the insert doesn't work then you'll have to.  hmm  but you need to make the method, depending on how you are making it read the insert, and stuff. Unless you make it so it replaces the selector.

The point is, it won't work correctly online if it doesn't use the special workaround.

Oh, yeah, and I've deleted the block. It would have been really cool if it worked online, but it didn't.

Last edited by rubiks_cube_guy238 (2011-05-12 20:34:01)

The glass is never half full nor half empty; it is twice as large as it needs to be.



#15 2011-05-13 07:04:05

Registered: 2009-07-02
Posts: 100+

Re: New mod concept & development thread

Another beta!

This update has blocks in the Logo category, and unwanted watcher toggles are removed.
Right now, the blocks might only work online (The evaluation of blocks offline is problematic), but that's why it's still beta.


The glass is never half full nor half empty; it is twice as large as it needs to be.



#16 2011-05-13 12:11:23

Registered: 2010-09-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: New mod concept & development thread

I don't get one of the blocks, yield, what does it do? Also the to the power block doesn't seem to have the right code offline, 2 ^ 10 = 1024? Memory space left is cool, but what measurement is that? Also, are you taking off the open project block? I also tested the clipboard block, it doesn't work, but in The New Flash Player it shows undefined and the watcher says unknown: clipboard.

Last edited by Pecola1 (2011-05-13 12:12:46)

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#17 2011-05-13 14:43:44

Registered: 2009-07-02
Posts: 100+

Re: New mod concept & development thread

Pecola1 wrote:

I don't get one of the blocks, yield, what does it do?
I actually don't entirely know myself, but it makes a pause.
Also the to the power block doesn't seem to have the right code offline, 2 ^ 10 = 1024?
Check your own math.
Memory space left is cool, but what measurement is that?
Also, are you taking off the open project block?
Yes. It didn't work online. If you really want it, I moved it to obsoleteBlockSpecs, so it's still recognized by the program.
I also tested the clipboard block, it doesn't work, but in The New Flash Player it shows undefined and the watcher says unknown: clipboard.
That's because its a watcher. It works otherwise.

Last edited by rubiks_cube_guy238 (2011-05-13 14:44:02)

The glass is never half full nor half empty; it is twice as large as it needs to be.



#18 2011-05-13 14:49:33

Registered: 2009-06-14
Posts: 1000+

Re: New mod concept & development thread

I don't suppose this works for the Flash viewer, correct?
I guess we'll have to wait until they release the source code for it before making another mod recognized by the flash player  smile



#19 2011-05-13 16:06:59

Registered: 2009-07-02
Posts: 100+

Re: New mod concept & development thread

Another update!

I was going to add a block that would do some javascript, but it didn't work online, so I moved it to obsoleteBlockSpecs. There is also a block that makes the default beeping noise. Oh, and all the blocks finally work  smile


The glass is never half full nor half empty; it is twice as large as it needs to be.



#20 2011-05-13 16:17:51

Registered: 2010-09-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: New mod concept & development thread

rubiks_cube_guy238 wrote:

Pecola1 wrote:

I don't get one of the blocks, yield, what does it do?
I actually don't entirely know myself, but it makes a pause.
Also the to the power block doesn't seem to have the right code offline, 2 ^ 10 = 1024?
Check your own math.
Memory space left is cool, but what measurement is that?
Also, are you taking off the open project block?
Yes. It didn't work online. If you really want it, I moved it to obsoleteBlockSpecs, so it's still recognized by the program.
I also tested the clipboard block, it doesn't work, but in The New Flash Player it shows undefined and the watcher says unknown: clipboard.
That's because its a watcher. It works otherwise.

LOL I know about the to the power, I was doing 10 ^ 2! LOL, my mistake. I figured out about bytes but thanks anyways. Thanks for telling me the open project block is obsolete, did you get it to work offline? For the clipboard block, it wont work if there is a watcher on it, correct? In that case I can take the watcher off. Thanks.

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#21 2011-05-13 16:22:40

Registered: 2010-09-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: New mod concept & development thread

The clipboard still doesn't seem to work, I updated it.

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#22 2011-05-13 21:26:39

Registered: 2009-07-02
Posts: 100+

Re: New mod concept & development thread

Pecola1 wrote:

The clipboard still doesn't seem to work, I updated it.

sad  I guess you're right...

Moved clipboard block to the graveyard (also known as obsoleteBlockSpecs).

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#23 2011-05-13 21:33:59

Registered: 2007-07-29
Posts: 1000+

Re: New mod concept & development thread

Looks like this will be magnificent!

Hey.  It's me SSSS, back from the dead!  smile



#24 2011-05-14 08:46:43

Registered: 2009-07-02
Posts: 100+

Re: New mod concept & development thread

I hate to do this, but...

The memory space left block doesn't work. So it gets removed.

The glass is never half full nor half empty; it is twice as large as it needs to be.



#25 2011-05-14 20:37:06

Registered: 2010-09-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: New mod concept & development thread

rubiks_cube_guy238 wrote:

I hate to do this, but...

The memory space left block doesn't work. So it gets removed.

NO! THEN IT WON'T REPORT! AND I WILL FORGET EVERYTHING!!!!!!! *zap* Who are you? Are you my mommy?

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