Hallo:) I have big problem! My lego robot represents AGV (Automated Guided Vehicle) and goes from one machine to another and unloading its load. It receives 2 messages: "a" and "b". It should do 2 diffrent actions on each message. "a" message means to go, and when lego receives message "b", it should stop and unload loading. And then move again forward. Messages come from simulation program through VisualBasic. Everything is ok, but there is a problem with NXT program. I do not know how to change behaviour when message is changed. When I tried to use sequence beams, it did just one action or it did both, but second action came after few cycles (for example: "a" came, lego moved forward, then "b" came, ang again "a", "b", "a" and robot was still moving. When came third "b", lego unloaded.) I have also tried to use Switch (Receive Message) but there worked just one beam. Is there somebody who could hepl me, pls? Thank you very much and have a nice evening;) Sisi