Sometimes when I'm looking around the Scratch website people get away with foul language. I'll give you an example: The words **** or ****** are automatically detected as inapropriate, but people can get away with it by replacing the "a" with @. Like so, **@* or **@***. Since you can still tell what word it is, it should be detected as inapropriate automatically. The same would go for all other words but I'm just using these two as examples. I believe this would make the Scratch website safer for younger kids and overall make it a better site in general. Thanks for your time and consideration, and Scratch on!
Another EBUL way of tricking the system is if you do t h i s! Or, maybe if you do sıɥʇ!
Yeah, this was just an example, but yeah. Theres no way the Scratch team can block all of them, but they can probably block the "popular" ones with alternative spelling or symbols.