I think that the website should have a star rating for projects. Like from one to five stars, one meaning "I didn't like it so much." and five meaning "I loved it!". And then we can show the average star rating for everyone and show the individual ratings for just for the person who submitted the project.
Last edited by Graham (2007-06-08 22:33:54)
Since not everyone has the same taste, perhaps the website should do a "recommendation" system like Netflix uses (though it isn't hard to do better than their system---the Netflix prize competition at http://netflixprize.com/ ). That way the web site would try to learn what you like in a scratch program and recommend programs based on what other people with similar tastes liked.
Note to scratch team, I participated in the Netflix prize competition for a while, but dropped it to get back to my real research. I was on the prizeboard for a while, but have fallen down to some ridiculously poor rating (like 334th). My code is pretty simple though, and I'd be glad to share it with the scratch team. (You might do better starting over with the ideas of "simonfunk" , though---he described his algorithms and everyone seems to be copying him---he's 22nd on the leader board now.)
That seems good Kevin but I would rather have something where you just say how much you liked it.
Thanks alot!
The Netflix rating system just has users say how well they liked each movie they rate.
The input from the users is the same as what you propose (a 1 to 5 rating).
What is different is that Netflix doesn't just return an average rating, but tries to predict how you would rate each movie, based on your past ratings and the ratings of everybody else. Although such prediction is not very accurate, it is better than just the average of everybody's ratings, once you have enough ratings of each movie.
The only problem I see is that the scratch community may be too small to get enough data to make good predictions, in which case average ratings may b just as good (and a lot cheaper to compute).
I would have thought "love-its" already did this.
Or perhaps a display of how many people have it as a favourite would be a more accurate assesment of how "good" a project is.
Neither "love it" not "favorite" is used enough to get a good idea. Also, loveits only increase as a project ages, while ratings could go up or down. Others have noticed that "loveits" seem to be correlated more with age of the project than with quality.
Graham's idea was great, but maybe whoever get's the best rating, every once in a while, could recieve a special reward for many liking their games! But what would the prize be? Maybe someone could post ideas on here what the prizes could be! But on this forum only? This could be a secret between the users of this forum until someone else checks it out, so no one will copy this idea!
Hey, the members come up with really good ideas to really spruce up this neat website!
Yeah, a special Scratch prize would be cool, like having a little trophy picture with a golden Scratch cat on it for first, a silver for second, a bronze for third, and a ribbon for fourth on the project.
I like Graham's idea for a cat on a trophy or a ribbon.
Maybe there could be a place in Scratch where you could put the trophy or ribbon in a game by downloading it if you recieved an award! That sound's awesome to me, maybe?
I got the idea for a prize based on this website:
(Not appropriate for all ages!)
They have a CoverGirl/Boy each day that get the best ratings! If you win, you get a large amount of stardollars (stardoll money) and a CoverGirl/Boy ribbon!
often some fairly good games go unnoticed. maybe there should be a gallery set up by the scratch team that anyone can view and go to but only selected projects (as decided by certain people or recomended) could be posted.
If they allowed gallery *owners* to be the ones to add and delete projects from their galleries, with project owners only able to suggest projects to the gallery owners, this functionality would be automatically taken care of!
kevin_karplus wrote:
If they allowed gallery *owners* to be the ones to add and delete projects from their galleries, with project owners only able to suggest projects to the gallery owners, this functionality would be automatically taken care of!
Hi agree that Galeries would be better mantained if there was the option for them being invite-only, and co-mantained.I don't think people (be them kids or grown-ups) would be terribly upset not having their projects/"memberships" accepted, since they could try either with other groups/galeries, or create one from scratch themselves.
on the idea of star ratings one problem is that a project with few views would be more likely to have a higher rating as it only requires one person (including the creator) to rate it highly.
an idea on a similar note would to be to give members a form of rating eg novice, moderate, expert.
My idea for galleries is not to have them be "invite only" but to have them be more like magazines or journals. People can submit pieces (solicited or unsolicited), but the editor chooses what goes in.
One difference is that the scratch sharing license allows free copying, so editors could put stuff in their galleries without waiting for a submission from the creator (though it should retain the original authorship of the project, as the current galleries do).
What I'd like is for owners of galleries to be able to click on *any* project and do "add to gallery" for any gallery that they own. I'd like for owners of projects to be able to click on "submit project to gallery".
The owner of the gallery should be able to see both the accepted projects in the gallery and the submitted projects, with check boxes to accept or reject projects from the gallery. Good gallery owners might add a comment to every project that they accept or reject. It might be nice for the gallery owner to be able to put a comment in the *gallery* next to each project, so that someone browsing the gallery could know whether they want to visit the project based on the editor's comment, rather than just on the author's project description.
Right now, you can only see comments about the project by going to the project, and the download time makes that an unpleasant prospect for many people on slower connections (plus artificially inflating "views" for projects that you turn out to dislike).
I'm am going to only say one thing not related to this topic,
why is my back not purple with orange stains and green stripes with black fur and pink stars? HUH? HUH? Ok, I could only say that to a friend aloud because my friends and I are bothvery weird! LAST NIGHT, I WANTED TELL MY FRIEND SOMETHING (IT WAS A TEST), AND BEFORE I GOT A CHANCE TO SAY ANYTHING (THIS HAPPENED 8 TIMES), SHE RAN BACK TO OUR MOMS AND SAID I EITHER WAS GETTING ENGAGED OR MARRIED! HANNAH IS VERY WEIRD. *****and why was I writing in all caps*****