I was thinking Like the site Newgrounds (Flash Games/Animation) We should do something like there Game Jam Like Game Festival Or something like that!
It would be Hosted every what like i donno 6 Months (so there's 2 every 1 year) (June, December) The Day is up to the Scratch Team to pick! BUT the day has to be in June And December!
So thats my Request!
Oh and the rules!
Teams of five! (Example)
Can only Create 1 Game based on the Category - It could a Elemental Category like Ice Fire Water Earth Air Mind It could be as many of them as the scratch team will pick Or could be 1 It could be a Art Category, Life-style! Anythink BUT Animation (the game can still have animation in it tho)
There could also Be an Animation one too But put it Forward 2 months(or 1 Depends)!
anyway Hope you like my Request!
<think[ Cool idea ]for( infinity )secs>
This was done a while ago, it was called the collab challenge. Look at the project in my sig for my entry.